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Repo for "Integrating Sensu + InfluxDB" tutorial at Sensu Summit 2019

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Integrating Sensu + InfluxDB, Sensu Summit 2019

First, clone the repo and create the data directories:

$ mkdir data data/chronograf/ data/influxdb data/influxdb/config/ data/influxdb/data/ data/sensu-backend/ data/sensu-agent/

Start Your Containers... (Docker Compose)

There is a docker-compose file in this repo, so you can bring up all the components using docker-compose up -d.

Configure Sensuctl

Install sensuctl and configure:

$ sensuctl configure -n \
--username 'admin' \
--password 'P@ssw0rd!' \
--namespace default \
--url ''

Configure InfluxDB

docker exec -it sensu-summit-2019_influxdb_1 influx


GRANT ALL ON sensu TO sensu

Check Setup

We're going to set up a simple check that outputs data in InfluxDB Line Protocol. First, we need to add the check script to the agent container, set the owner, and give it the appropriate permissions.

docker cp ./ sensu-summit-2019_sensu-agent_1:/usr/local/bin/
docker exec sensu-summit-2019_sensu-agent_1 chown root:root /usr/local/bin/
docker exec sensu-summit-2019_sensu-agent_1 chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

Next, we'll create the check using sensuctl:

sensuctl check create check-line \
--command '/usr/local/bin/' \
--interval 5 \
--subscriptions webserver

Handler Setup

We'll also need to add the handler to the backend.

sensuctl asset create sensu-influxdb-handler --url "" --sha512 "612c6ff9928841090c4d23bf20aaf7558e4eed8977a848cf9e2899bb13a13e7540bac2b63e324f39d9b1257bb479676bc155b24e21bf93c722b812b0f15cb3bd"

After that, we can create the handler using sensuctl:

sensuctl handler create influx-db \
--type pipe \
--command "sensu-influxdb-handler -d sensu" \
--env-vars "INFLUXDB_ADDR=http://sensu-summit-2019_influxdb_1:8086, INFLUXDB_USER=sensu, INFLUXDB_PASS=password" \
--runtime-assets sensu-influxdb-handler

Enable Handler for Check

Finally, configure the check with the appropriate metrics format and set it up to use the handler we just created:

sensuctl check set-output-metric-format check-line influxdb_line
sensuctl check set-output-metric-handlers check-line influx-db

Run Some Queries

To access the InfluxDB CLI, execute a bash shell within the container. If you started up using Docker Compose:

docker exec -it sensu-summit-2019_influxdb_1 influx

Select the sensu database:

USE sensu

Make the timestamps human readable:


Retrieve all the data from our Line Protocol check for the past hour:

SELECT * FROM randoms WHERE time > now()-1h

Calculate the mean of the data:

SELECT mean(*) FROM randoms WHERE time > now()-1h

Calculate the mean of the data in 1-minute windows:

SELECT mean(*) FROM randoms WHERE time > now()-1h GROUP BY time(1m)

Calculate the mean of the data in 1-minute windows, ignoring windows with no data:

SELECT mean(*) FROM randoms WHERE time > now()-1h GROUP BY time(1m) FILL(none)

Use a subquery to find the minute with the highest mean value:

SELECT max(mean_value) FROM (SELECT mean(*) FROM randoms WHERE time > now()-1h GROUP BY time(1m) FILL(none))


"Caturday" is a simple Go application that serves cat pics and some additional info, used by my former coworker Lorenzo Fontana. It's part of the Docker Compose file and currently running at localhost:3333.

In order to generate some test data, there is also a shell script wich uses curl to hit the Caturday application periodically. We can run that in a separate terminal window:



There are two files in this repo which we will use to set up collection of metrics from a Prometheus endpoint: "asset_prometheus" and "prometheus_check". The first declares the Sensu Prometheus Collector asset, and the second defines a check which will periodically scrape data from the Caturday metrics endpoint. We can install both with a single command:

sensuctl create --file asset_prometheus
sensuctl create --file prometheus_check

Configure Chronograf

Log into Chronograf at http://localhost:8888.

Connect to the InfluxDB instance. If you used Docker compose, the URL will be http://sensu-summit-2019_influxdb_1:8086.

Make Some Graphs

Graph the number of requests for Caturday:

SELECT "value" FROM "sensu"."autogen"."caturday_requests_count" WHERE time > :dashboardTime:

Calculate the rate using a non-negative derivative:

SELECT non_negative_derivative("value", 1m) AS "rate" FROM "sensu"."autogen"."caturday_requests_count" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: FILL(null)


Repo for "Integrating Sensu + InfluxDB" tutorial at Sensu Summit 2019






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