SQL is designed for managing or stream processing data in an RDBMS. Includes SQL command generation functions, with a few for text matching (PostgreSQL).
const sql = require('extra-sql');
// SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name='food');
sql.setupTable('food', {code: 'TEXT', name: 'TEXT'},
[{code: 'F1', name: 'Mango'}, {code: 'F2', name: 'Lychee'}]);
// CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "food" ("code" TEXT, "name" TEXT);
// INSERT INTO "food" ("code", "name") VALUES
// ('F1', 'Mango'),
// ('F2', 'Lychee');
sql.selectTsquery('columns', 'total fat');
// SELECT * FROM "columns" WHERE "tsvector" @@ plainto_tsquery('total fat');
sql.matchTsquery('columns', ['total', 'fat']);
// SELECT *, '2'::INT AS "matchTsquery" FROM "columns" WHERE "tsvector" @@ plainto_tsquery('total fat') UNION ALL
// SELECT *, '1'::INT AS "matchTsquery" FROM "columns" WHERE "tsvector" @@ plainto_tsquery('total');
Name | Action |
createTable | Generates SQL command for CREATE TABLE. |
createIndex | Generates SQL command for CREATE INDEX. |
createView | Generates SQL command for CREATE VIEW. |
insertInto | Generates SQL command for INSERT INTO. |
setupTable | Generates SQL commands to setup table (create, insert, index). |
tableExists | Generates SQL command for table exists check. |
selectTsquery | Generates SQL command for SELECT with tsquery. |
matchTsquery | Generates SQL query for matching words with tsquery. |
OPERATORS | Set of operators in SQL. {field} |
OPERAND_COUNT | Number of operands used with an SQL operator. {field} |