C++ wrapper around libuv focused on making callback arg passing safer. The
data passed to the callback does not use the data
member of the
or uv_req_t
. So they can still be used as usual.
You can check out our blog post for additional information.
Example usage:
// Notice that the second argument of the callback can contain any pointer type,
// and it'll automatically be checked from the callsite, and give a compiler
// error if it doesn't match.
#include "nsuv-inl.h"
using namespace nsuv;
ns_tcp client;
ns_tcp incoming;
ns_tcp server;
ns_connect<ns_tcp> connect_req;
ns_write<ns_tcp> write_req;
static void alloc_cb(ns_tcp* handle, size_t, uv_buf_t* buf) {
static char slab[1024];
buf->base = slab;
buf->len = sizeof(slab);
static void read_cb(ns_tcp* handle, ssize_t, const uv_buf_t*) {
static void write_cb(ns_write<ns_tcp>* req, int) {
// Retrieve a reference to the uv_buf_t array and size.
uv_buf_t* bufs = req->bufs();
size_t size = req->size();
static void connection_cb(ns_tcp* server, int) {
int r;
r = incoming.init(server->get_loop());
r = server->accept(&incoming);
r = incoming.read_start(alloc_cb, read_cb);
static void connect_cb(ns_connect<ns_tcp>* req, int, char* data) {
static char bye_ctr[] = "BYE";
uv_buf_t buf1 = uv_buf_init(data, strlen(data));
uv_buf_t buf2 = uv_buf_init(bye_ctr, strlen(bye_ctr));
// Write to the handle attached to this request and pass along data.
int r = req->handle()->write(&write_req, { buf1, buf2 }, write_cb);
static void do_listen() {
static char hello_cstr[] = "HELLO";
struct sockaddr_in addr_in;
struct sockaddr* addr;
int r;
r = uv_ip4_addr("", 9999, &addr_in);
addr = reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr*>(&addr_in);
// Server setup.
r = server.init(uv_default_loop());
r = server.bind(addr, 0);
r = server.listen(1, connection_cb);
// Client connection.
r = client.init(uv_default_loop());
r = client.connect(&connect_req, addr, connect_cb, hello_cstr);
uv_run(uv_default_loop(), UV_RUN_DEFAULT);
Additional usage can be seen in test/