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noinia committed Feb 10, 2024
1 parent 1e2e9e6 commit 094c3de
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Showing 5 changed files with 35 additions and 121 deletions.
77 changes: 9 additions & 68 deletions hgeometry/src/HGeometry/LowerEnvelope/Connected/FromVertexForm.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -235,8 +235,7 @@ sortAlongBoundary face = case mv0 of
u' = projectPoint $ ivLoc u
v' = projectPoint $ ivLoc v

-- | given an edge (u,v) that has h to its left, and all remaining vertices of the face,
-- sorted in CCW order around the face starting with *v*, compute all its edgesf
-- | given the vertices of the face in CCW order, compute all its edges of the face.
faceToEdges :: forall plane r. (Plane_ plane r, Ord r, Fractional r, Ord plane
, Show plane, Show r
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,14 +296,14 @@ twoVertices (Vtx h ui up uDefs) (Vtx _ vi vp vDefs) =
case extractEdgeDefs h up uDefs vp vDefs >>= withUVOrder of
Nothing -> error "twoVertices. absurd, h and h' don't define an edge!?"
Just (EdgeDefs hr hu hv, uBeforeV) -- -> traceShowWith ("twoVertices",u,v,uBeforeV,) $
| uBeforeV -> NonEmpty.fromList [ (vi, Edge ui h hr)
, (ui, Edge unboundedVertexId h hu)
| uBeforeV -> NonEmpty.fromList [ (vi, Edge ui h hr)
, (ui, Edge unboundedVertexId h hu)
-- the edge must be oriented from v to u so that h is on the left
| otherwise -> NonEmpty.fromList [ (ui, Edge vi h hr)
, (vi, Edge unboundedVertexId h hv)
-- the edge must be oriented from u to v
| otherwise -> NonEmpty.fromList [ (ui, Edge vi h hr)
, (vi, Edge unboundedVertexId h hv)
-- the edge must be oriented from u to v
-- determine if u lies before v in the order of u and v along the intersection line of
-- h and hr.
Expand All @@ -315,64 +314,6 @@ twoVertices (Vtx h ui up uDefs) (Vtx _ vi vp vDefs) =
-- v if v does not lie in the left haflpalne
) <$> intersectionLine' h hr


-- | Vertices in of the lower envelope in adjacencylist form.
type BoundedVertex = BoundedVertexF Seq.Seq

-- | Given a location of a vertex v, a pair of planes h1,h2 and the
-- remaining defining planes of v, computes the outgoing half-line
-- from v on which h1,h2 are the lowest (if such an halfline exists).
outgoingUnboundedEdge :: ( Plane_ plane r, Ord r, Fractional r
, Foldable1 f
=> Point 3 r -- ^ the location of the vertex v
-> Two plane -- ^ the pair of planes for which to compute
-- the halfine
-> f plane -- ^ the other planes intersecting at v
-> Maybe (HalfLine (Point 2 r) :+ EdgeDefiners plane)
outgoingUnboundedEdge v (Two h1 h2) h3s =
intersectionLineWithDefiners h1 h2 >>= toHalfLineFrom (projectPoint v) h3s
-- todo, if there are more planes, I guess we should check if the hl is not dominated by the other
-- planes either.

-- | Given :
-- v : the projected location of the vertex
-- hs : the remaining planes defining v (typically just one plane h3)
-- l : the (projection of the) line l in which planes h1 and h2 intersect (containing v)
-- we compute the half-line eminating from v in which h1 and h2 define
-- an edge incident to v.
toHalfLineFrom :: (Plane_ plane r, Foldable1 f, Fractional r, Ord r)
=> Point 2 r -- ^ vertex v
-> f plane -- ^ the remaining plane(s) hs
-> LinePV 2 r :+ EdgeDefiners plane -- ^ the line l
-> Maybe (HalfLine (Point 2 r) :+ EdgeDefiners plane)
toHalfLineFrom v hs ((LinePV _ w) :+ defs@(EdgeDefiners h1 h2)) =
validate w defs <|> validate ((-1) *^ w) (EdgeDefiners h2 h1)
-- We try both directions. Note that if we reverse the direction
-- of the line, what the left/right plane is changes.
-- If neither direction works, then h1,h2 do not define a good
-- direction. This should happen only when there are more than 3
-- planes intersecting in v, i.e. in degernate sitatuions
-- | test if direction d is a good direction, i.e. if towards direction d
-- h1 (and thus also h2) is actually lower than all remaining defining planes.
validate d defs' = let zVal = evalAt (v .+^ d)
in if all (\h3 -> zVal h1 < zVal h3) hs
then Just (HalfLine v d :+ defs') else Nothing

-- * Convenience functions

Expand All @@ -394,7 +335,7 @@ maxBy cmp a b = case cmp a b of
_ -> a

-- | shift the vector by d
-- | shift the vector by d items to the right
shiftR :: Int -> NonEmptyVector v -> NonEmptyVector v
shiftR d v = let n = length v
in NonEmptyV.generate1 n $ \i -> v NonEmptyV.! ((i+n+d) `mod` n)
43 changes: 10 additions & 33 deletions hgeometry/src/HGeometry/LowerEnvelope/Connected/Type.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module HGeometry.LowerEnvelope.Connected.Type

, singleton

, BoundedVertex
, BoundedVertexF(Vertex)
, location, definers, location2

Expand All @@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ module HGeometry.LowerEnvelope.Connected.Type
, projectedEdgeGeometries, projectedEdgeGeometry

, outgoingUnboundedEdge
, edgeIntersectionLine
, intersectionLine'
, intersectionLineWithDefiners
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,16 +85,16 @@ instance (Ord (NumType plane), Num (NumType plane)) => IsBoxable (LowerEnvelope'
boundingBox env = boundingBox . NonEmpty.fromList $ env^..boundedVertices.traverse.location
-- the fromList is safe since there is alwasy at least one vertex

-- instance Functor LowerEnvelope' where
-- instance Foldable LowerEnvelope' where
-- instance Traversable LowerEnvelope' where

-- | Traversal of the planes in the lower envelope
-- | Traversal of the planes in the lower envelope. Since we need an Ord constraint we
-- can't make LowerEnvelope' an instance of Traversable.
-- Be aware that this may destroy some of the invariants. So use this function with care.
traverseLowerEnvelope :: ( Applicative f, NumType plane ~ NumType plane'
, Ord plane'
=> (plane -> f plane')
-> LowerEnvelope' plane -> f (LowerEnvelope' plane')
-> LowerEnvelope' plane
-> f (LowerEnvelope' plane')
traverseLowerEnvelope f (LowerEnvelope v0 vs) =
LowerEnvelope <$> traverse f v0 <*> traverse (traverseBoundedV f) vs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,18 +122,6 @@ singleton v = LowerEnvelope v0 (Seq.singleton v')



-- | Helper type for edgedefs
data EdgeDefs plane = EdgeDefs { common :: plane
, uNeigh :: plane
, vNeigh :: plane
} deriving (Show,Eq)


-- | The unbounded vertex.
newtype UnboundedVertex plane = UnboundedVertex { _incidentEdgesU :: Seq.Seq (LEEdge plane) }
deriving (Show,Eq,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,8 +259,9 @@ edgeIntersectionLine e = case intersectionLine' (e^.leftPlane) (e^.rightPlane) o


-- |
-- | Types that have an IncidentEdges' field.
class HasIncidentEdges t where
-- | Lens to access the incident edges field.
incidentEdges' :: Lens' (t plane) (Seq.Seq (LEEdge plane))

instance HasIncidentEdges UnboundedVertex where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -450,17 +440,4 @@ projectedEdgeGeometry env (ui,vi) e = case env^?!vertexAt ui of
-- the unbounded vertex into the bounded vertex that means that to construct the
-- halfline we actually wish to flip the orientation of the line

-- case
-- -- traceShowWith ("unbEdge", e, "h=",e^.rightPlane, "h'=",e^.leftPlane, "line'",) $
-- intersectionLine' (e^.rightPlane) (e^.leftPlane) of
-- Just l -> Left $ HalfLine (v^.location2) (l^.direction)
-- -- edge e is oriented from the lowerId towards the higherId,
-- -- so in particular *from* the unbounded vertex into the bounded vertex
-- -- that means that to construct the halfline we actually wish to
-- -- flip the left and right plane, so that the halfline is directed outwards.
-- Nothing -> error "projectedEdgeGeometry: absurd, no intersection between the planes"

17 changes: 3 additions & 14 deletions hgeometry/src/HGeometry/LowerEnvelope/Naive.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,22 +10,14 @@ module HGeometry.LowerEnvelope.Naive


import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (guard)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import HGeometry.Combinatorial.Util
import HGeometry.Foldable.Sort
import HGeometry.HyperPlane.Class
import HGeometry.HyperPlane.NonVertical
import HGeometry.Intersection
import HGeometry.Line
import HGeometry.Line.LineEQ
import HGeometry.LowerEnvelope.AdjListForm (LowerEnvelope, fromVertexForm)
import HGeometry.LowerEnvelope.VertexForm
import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Properties
import Hiraffe.Graph


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,10 +53,7 @@ lowerEnvelope = fromVertexForm . lowerEnvelopeVertexForm
lowerEnvelopeVertexForm :: ( Plane_ plane r
, Ord r, Fractional r, Foldable f, Ord plane
) => f plane -> VertexForm plane
lowerEnvelopeVertexForm hs = foldMap (\t -> case asVertex hs t of
Nothing -> mempty
Just v -> singleton v
) $ uniqueTriplets hs
lowerEnvelopeVertexForm hs = foldMap (maybe mempty singleton . asVertex hs) $ uniqueTriplets hs

-- | Given all planes, and a triple, computes if the triple defines a
-- vertex of the lower envelope, and if so returns it.
Expand All @@ -75,8 +64,8 @@ asVertex hs t@(Three h1 h2 h3) = do v <- intersectionPoint t
pure $ LEVertex v (Set.fromList [h1,h2,h3])

-- | test if v lies below (or on) all the planes in hs
belowAll :: (Plane_ plane r, Ord r, Num r, Foldable f) => Point 3 r -> f plane -> Bool
belowAll v hs = all (\h -> onSideTest v h /= GT) hs
belowAll :: (Plane_ plane r, Ord r, Num r, Foldable f) => Point 3 r -> f plane -> Bool
belowAll v = all (\h -> onSideTest v h /= GT)
{-# INLINE belowAll #-}

Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions hgeometry/src/HGeometry/VoronoiDiagram/ViaLowerEnvelope.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ module HGeometry.VoronoiDiagram.ViaLowerEnvelope

import Control.Lens
import Data.Default.Class
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import HGeometry.Box
import HGeometry.Duality
import HGeometry.Ext
Expand All @@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ import HGeometry.LowerEnvelope.Naive (lowerEnvelopeVertexForm)
import HGeometry.LowerEnvelope.VertexForm (VertexForm)
import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Properties
import HGeometry.Vector
import Hiraffe.Graph

Expand Down
17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,11 +105,20 @@ intersecting halflines with boxes seems to go wrong somehow.
*** TODO plane graph

* TODO 3d-lower-envelope/convex hull
** DONE naive
** TODO naive
*** TODO triangulated envelope
*** TODO handle degeneracies
*** TODO handle all colinear
*** TODO cyclic sorting of the edges

** TODO define tests
*** TODO correctly render a lower envelope/vd with 1 vertex and 3 unbounded edges
*** TODO correctly render bounded edges of some larger set of points
*** TODO correctly render unbounded edges of some larger set of points
*** DONE correctly render a lower envelope/vd with 1 vertex and 3 unbounded edges
*** DONE correctly render bounded edges of some larger set of points
*** DONE correctly render unbounded edges of some larger set of points
*** TODO properyt test that every (bounded) face is convex

** TODO some sort of benchmarking for the naive algorithm

** TODO Set3 type to clean up and/or speed up the fromVertexForm code ?

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