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noinia committed Dec 18, 2024
1 parent 39830b3 commit 4cc4635
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Showing 3 changed files with 212 additions and 103 deletions.
143 changes: 87 additions & 56 deletions hgeometry/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Polygon/Instances.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,24 +14,26 @@ module HGeometry.Polygon.Instances
-- , runConvert
) where

import Control.Lens hiding (elements)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Aeson (eitherDecodeFileStrict)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Ord
import Data.Ratio
import HGeometry
import HGeometry.Intersection
import HGeometry.Number.Real.Rational
import HGeometry.Polygon.Class
import HGeometry.Polygon.Monotone
import HGeometry.Polygon.Simple
import HGeometry.Triangle
import Paths_hgeometry
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Random.Stateful
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances ()
import Control.Lens hiding (elements)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Aeson (eitherDecodeFileStrict)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, mapMaybe)
import Data.Ord
import Data.Ratio
import HGeometry
import HGeometry.Intersection
import HGeometry.Number.Real.Rational
import HGeometry.Polygon.Class
import HGeometry.Polygon.Monotone
import HGeometry.Polygon.Simple
import HGeometry.Triangle
import Paths_hgeometry
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Random.Stateful
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (vector)
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances ()


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,25 +100,17 @@ allMultiPolygonsWith f = unsafePerformIO $ do

-- | Shifts the polygon to the left by n.
rotateLeft :: SimplePolygon_ simplePolygon point r => Int -> simplePolygon -> simplePolygon
rotateLeft n pg = uncheckedFromCCWPoints
$ toNonEmptyOf (ccwOuterBoundaryFrom (n `mod` numVertices pg)) pg

instance Arbitrary (SimplePolygon (Point 2 Rational)) where
arbitrary = do
p <- elements allSimplePolygons'
n <- chooseInt (0, numVertices p-1)
pure $ rotateLeft n p
pure $ rotateLeft n p -- rotates the indices of the polygon so
-- that we get a somewhat random starting coordinate as well.
shrink = shrinkPolygon

-- | Shrink a simple polygon
shrinkPolygon :: (Ord r, Fractional r, Real r)
=> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]
shrinkPolygon p
| isTriangle p = simplifyP p
| otherwise = let pgs = cutEars p ++ simplifyP p
in [ pg&vertices %~ alignZero pg | pg <- pgs ] <> pgs

instance Arbitrary (SimplePolygon (Point 2 Double)) where
arbitrary = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,37 +142,68 @@ instance (Uniform r, Ord r, Num r) => Arbitrary (MonotonePolygon (Point 2 r)) wh
pure $ evalState (randomMonotoneDirected n v) g'


-- | Shifts the indices of the polygon to the left by n.
rotateLeft :: SimplePolygon_ simplePolygon point r => Int -> simplePolygon -> simplePolygon
rotateLeft n pg = uncheckedFromCCWPoints
$ toNonEmptyOf (ccwOuterBoundaryFrom (n `mod` numVertices pg)) pg

-- * Polygon Shrinking

simplifyP :: forall r. (Ord r, Fractional r, Real r)
=> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]
simplifyP pg
-- Scale up polygon such that each coordinate is a whole number.
| lcmP /= 1 = [ pg' | pg' <- fromPoints' $ multP lcmP <$> pg^..vertices ]
-- we use fromPoints to make sure that we don't create repeated vertices.
-- Scale down polygon maintaining each coordinate as a whole number
| gcdP /= 1 = [ pg' | pg' <- fromPoints' $ divP gcdP <$> pg^..vertices ]
| minX /= 0 || minY /= 0 = [ pg' | pg' <- fromPoints' $ align <$> pg^..vertices ]
| otherwise =
let pg' = pg&vertices %~ _div2
in [ pg' | hasNoSelfIntersections $ toNonEmptyOf vertices pg' ]
-- otherwise = []
-- | Shrink a simple polygon.
-- The main idea is to try and remove every vertex (making sure that we still get a valid
-- polygon). At the end, we try to simplify the coordinates of the points involved as well.
shrinkPolygon :: (Ord r, Fractional r, Real r)
=> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]
shrinkPolygon pg
| isTriangle pg = simplifyCoords pg
| otherwise = cutEars pg -- dropVertices <> simplifyCoords pg
fromPoints' = maybeToList . fromPoints
align = alignZero pg
dropVertices = mapMaybe (dropVertex pg) (pg^..vertices.asIndex)

lcmP = lcmPoint pg
gcdP = gcdPoint pg

minX = first1Of (minimumVertexBy (comparing (^.xCoord)).xCoord) pg
minY = first1Of (minimumVertexBy (comparing (^.yCoord)).yCoord) pg
dropVertex :: (Ord r, Fractional r, Real r)
=> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Int
-> Maybe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
dropVertex pg i = fromPoints' . NonEmpty.tail $ toNonEmptyOf (ccwOuterBoundaryFrom i) pg
fromPoints' pts = do pg' <- fromPoints pts
if hasNoSelfIntersections pg' then pure pg' else Nothing

multP v (Point2 c d) = Point2 (c*v) (d*v)
divP v (Point2 c d) = Point2 (c/v) (d/v)
_div2 p = let (Point2 a b) = p&coordinates %~ toRational
in Point2 (fromRational $ numerator a `div` 2 % 1)
(fromRational $ numerator b `div` 2 % 1)
-- | Try to simplify the coordinates of the points in hte polygon
simplifyCoords :: forall r. (Ord r, Fractional r, Real r)
=> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]
simplifyCoords pg = let (v :| _) = toNonEmptyOf (vertices.vector) pg
in [pg&vertices %~ (.-^ v)]

-- -- Scale up polygon such that each coordinate is a whole number.
-- | lcmP /= 1 = [ pg' | pg' <- fromPoints' $ multP lcmP <$> pg^..vertices ]
-- -- we use fromPoints to make sure that we don't create repeated vertices.
-- -- Scale down polygon maintaining each coordinate as a whole number
-- | gcdP /= 1 = [ pg' | pg' <- fromPoints' $ divP gcdP <$> pg^..vertices ]
-- | minX /= 0 || minY /= 0 = [ pg' | pg' <- fromPoints' $ align <$> pg^..vertices ]
-- | otherwise =
-- let pg' = pg&vertices %~ _div2
-- in [ pg' | hasNoSelfIntersections $ toNonEmptyOf vertices pg' ]
-- -- otherwise = []
-- where
-- fromPoints' = maybeToList . fromPoints
-- align = alignZero pg

-- lcmP = lcmPoint pg
-- gcdP = gcdPoint pg

-- minX = first1Of (minimumVertexBy (comparing (^.xCoord)).xCoord) pg
-- minY = first1Of (minimumVertexBy (comparing (^.yCoord)).yCoord) pg

-- multP v (Point2 c d) = Point2 (c*v) (d*v)
-- divP v (Point2 c d) = Point2 (c/v) (d/v)
-- _div2 p = let (Point2 a b) = p&coordinates %~ toRational
-- in Point2 (fromRational $ numerator a `div` 2 % 1)
-- (fromRational $ numerator b `div` 2 % 1)

-- | Aligns the polygon so that at least one point has x and y- coordinate zero
alignZero :: (Polygon_ polygon (Point 2 r) r, Num r, Ord r)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,6 +233,14 @@ gcdPoint p = realToFrac t
t = foldl1 gcd lst

isTriangle pg = numVertices pg == 3


-- remove vertex i, thereby dropping a vertex
cutEarAt :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
=> SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) -> Int -> Maybe (SimplePolygon (Point 2 r))
Expand All @@ -229,5 +262,3 @@ cutEars pg | isTriangle pg = []
allOf outerBoundary
(\pt -> pt `elem` [prev,cur,nxt] || not (pt `intersects` triangle)) pg

isTriangle pg = numVertices pg == 3
54 changes: 40 additions & 14 deletions hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Simple.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,22 +113,48 @@ instance ( Point_ point 2 r
) => SimplePolygon_ (SimplePolygonF f point) point r where
uncheckedFromCCWPoints = MkSimplePolygon . fromFoldable1

fromPoints rawPts = toCounterClockwiseOrder . uncheckedFromCCWPoints
<$> requireThree (removeRepeated rawPts)
fromPoints rawPts = do pts@(_:|_:_:_) <- removeRepeated <$> toNonEmpty' rawPts
-- note that the pattern match makes sure there are at least 3 pts
let pg = uncheckedFromCCWPoints pts
area' = signedArea2X pg
pg' = uncheckedFromCCWPoints $ NonEmpty.reverse pts
case area' of
0 -> Nothing -- the points are all colinear
_ | area' == abs area' -> Just pg -- the points are given in CCW order
| otherwise -> Just pg'
-- pts were in CW order, so we reversed them.
toNonEmpty' = NonEmpty.nonEmpty . F.toList

-- TODO: verify that:
-- no self intersections, and
-- not all vertices are colinear

-- | Makes sure there are no repeated vertices
removeRepeated :: (Point_ point 2 r, Eq r, Foldable f)
=> f point -> [point]
removeRepeated = fmap NonEmpty.head . NonEmpty.groupWith (^.asPoint)

-- | Make sure that we have at least three points
requireThree :: Foldable f => f point -> Maybe (NonEmpty point)
requireThree pts = case F.toList pts of
(h : tl@(_ : _ : _)) -> Just $ h :| tl
_ -> Nothing

-- -- | Make sure that we have at least three points
-- requireThree :: NonEmpty point -> Maybe (NonEmpty point)
-- requireThree pts = case pts of
-- (_ :| (_ : _ : _)) -> Just pts
-- _ -> Nothing

-- | Makes sure there are no repeated vertices.
-- note that we treat f as a cyclic sequence
removeRepeated :: (Point_ point 2 r, Eq r)
=> NonEmpty point -> NonEmpty point
removeRepeated = checkFirst
. foldrMap1 (\(l :| _) -> (l, NonEmpty.singleton l))
(\(x :| _) (l,acc) -> (l, x NonEmpty.<| acc))
. NonEmpty.groupWith1 (^.asPoint)
-- make sure that the first and last element are also distinct
checkFirst (last', acc@(first' :| rest')) = case NonEmpty.nonEmpty rest' of
Nothing -> acc
-- Apparently there is only one element, (first' == last')
Just rest | (first'^.asPoint) == (last'^.asPoint) -> rest
-- in this case the first elem of rest is distinct from first' (due to
-- the groupwith), and and thus distinct from the last of the rest
| otherwise -> acc

instance ( Show point
, SimplePolygon_ (SimplePolygonF f point) point r
Expand Down

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