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Line x Triangle intersection + Raytracer demo (#263)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Line/Ray triangle intersection (partially)

* added the SPT algo to the readme :)

* fiddling with the raytracer :)

* support for triangles + some actual ordering stuff :)

* dealing with colors

* defining the ground

* some additional docs

* just some missing brackets

* improved line x ball/triangle code + some more ray tracer fiddling

- making sure the line x triangle and line x ball intersection code
  return the parameter along the ray as well

- in the ray tracer stuff; make it so that we can compute surface
  normals (and start to somehow use them to color things (WIP)).

* applicative instances for low dim vectors

* more work on the raytracer :)

* Refactoring; moving stuff into hgeometry

+ splitting the ray tracer into seperate modules

* with approx equality stuff as well

* missing cardinal file + some minor fiddling on the raytracer front

* removing redudant imports

* more cleaning up + fixed ball spec
  • Loading branch information
noinia authored Jan 19, 2025
1 parent 3a025bb commit 6b6cd96
Show file tree
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Showing 20 changed files with 814 additions and 183 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,6 +124,9 @@ algorithms for computing
- the Imai-Iri algorithm, and
- the well-known Douglas Peucker algorithm.

* Computing the shortest path tree of a point in a triangulated simple
polygon in $O(n)$ time.

HGeometry also contains an implementation of some geometric data
structures. In particular,

Expand Down
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions hgeometry-examples/hgeometry-examples.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ common setup
, filepath
, geojson >= 4.1.1
, QuickCheck >= 2.15.0
, semialign >= 1.3.1

-- , dependent-map >= 0.4
-- , dependent-sum >= 0.7.1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,11 +225,16 @@ executable hgeometry-sampler
executable hgeometry-raytracer
import: setup, miso-setup
JuicyPixels >= 3.3.9 && < 4
, terminal-progress-bar >= 0.4.2 && < 0.5
JuicyPixels >= 3.3.9 && < 4
, terminal-progress-bar >= 0.4.2 && < 0.5
, approximate-equality >= && < 1.2
, type-level-natural-number >= 2.0 && < 3

hs-source-dirs: raytracer
main-is: Main.hs
-- Miso.Event.Extra

Expand Down
306 changes: 258 additions & 48 deletions hgeometry-examples/raytracer/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,100 +3,310 @@ module Main(main) where

import Codec.Picture
import Control.Lens
import Data.Foldable as F
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Colour as Colour
import Data.Colour.Names
import Data.Colour.SRGB (toSRGB24, RGB(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
import Data.Semialign
import HGeometry.Ball
import HGeometry.Box
import HGeometry.Direction
import HGeometry.Ext
import HGeometry.Graphics.Camera
import HGeometry.HalfLine
import HGeometry.Intersection
import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Triangle
import HGeometry.Unbounded
import HGeometry.Vector
import Paths_hgeometry_examples
import Prelude hiding (zipWith)
import Settings
import qualified System.File.OsPath as File
import System.OsPath
import System.ProgressBar
import System.Random.Stateful
import Types

-- * Move this into HGeometry proper

type Color = PixelRGBA8

type Scene = [Ball (Point 3 R) :+ Color]

type R = Double

type Ray = HalfLine (Point 3 R)

rayThrough :: Int -> Int -> Ray
rayThrough x y = let q = Point3 x y 0 &coordinates %~ fromIntegral
in HalfLine cameraPos (q .-. cameraPos)

-- | Intersect to try and get the color
ballColor :: Ray -> Ball (Point 3 R) :+ Color -> Maybe Color
ballColor r (b :+ c)
| r `intersects` b = Just c
| otherwise = Nothing

shootRay :: Ray -> Scene -> Color
shootRay r = fromMaybe backgroundColor . getFirst . foldMap (First . ballColor r)

renderPixel :: Vector 2 Int -> Scene -> Int -> Int -> PixelRGBA8
renderPixel (Vector2 w h) scene x y = shootRay ray scene
-- | Given a rectangle, and a vector specifying the number of columns and the number of
-- rows, returns a bunch of equal size subdivided rectangles. The result is given as
-- list of *rows* (from top to bottom). Each row from left to right.
subdivide :: (Point_ point 2 r, Fractional r)
=> Rectangle point -> Vector 2 Int
-> [[Rectangle (Point 2 r)]]
subdivide rect@(Rectangle bl _) (Vector2 numCols numRows) =
[ [ mkRect c r | c <- [0..(numCols - 1)] ] | r <- [0..(numRows - 1)] ]
ray = rayThrough x y
Point2 x y = bl^.asPoint
Vector2 w h = size rect
w' = w / fromIntegral numCols
h' = h / fromIntegral numRows
mkRect c r = let i = fromIntegral c
j = fromIntegral (numRows-r)
in Rectangle (Point2 (x + (i*w')) (y + (j-1)*h'))
(Point2 (x + (i+1)*w') (y + j *h'))
-- clamped :: Int -> Int -> Word8
-- clamped x m = fromIntegral $ (255 * x) `div` m
renderWithProgress :: IO () -> Vector 2 Int -> Scene -> IO (Image PixelRGBA8)
renderWithProgress reportProgress dims@(Vector2 w h) scene =
withImage w h $ \x y -> let !pix = renderPixel dims scene x y
in pix <$ reportProgress
testSubdivide = subdivide (Rectangle (Point2 10 4) (Point2 20 20)) (Vector2 2 4)

-- * Settings
-- * The Ray shooting stuff

backgroundColor :: PixelRGBA8
backgroundColor = PixelRGBA8 maxBound maxBound maxBound 0
-- | Helper type to help compute the closest point hit by a ray
newtype Closest r a = Closest (Top (r :+ a))
deriving (Show)

theScene :: Scene
theScene = [ Ball (Point3 128 128 128) 50 :+ PixelRGBA8 200 0 0 255
instance Eq r => Eq (Closest r a) where
(Closest x) == (Closest y) = (view core <$> x) == (view core <$> y)
instance Ord r => Ord (Closest r a) where
(Closest x) `compare` (Closest y) = (view core <$> x) `compare` (view core <$> y)

instance Ord r => Semigroup (Closest r a) where
x <> y = min x y
instance Ord r => Monoid (Closest r a) where
mempty = Closest Top

cameraPos = Point3 0 0 10000
-- | Construct a closest value
closest :: Maybe (r :+ a) -> Closest r a
closest = Closest . view (from _TopMaybe)

-- | Get the closest intersection out; if there exists one.
getClosest :: Closest r a -> Maybe (r :+ a)
getClosest = view (coerced._TopMaybe)

aspectRatio :: Rational
aspectRatio = 16 / 9
-- | Compute the object that is first hit by the ray, and its intersection point.
shootRay :: Ray -> Scene -> Maybe (SceneObject, Point 3 R :+ R)
shootRay r = fmap (view extra) . getClosest . foldMap (intersectWithRay r)

outputWidth :: Int
outputWidth = 400
-- | Compute the closest of intersection between the ray and the object, if it exists.
-- returns he scene object togehter with the point of intersection (that itself is tagged)
-- by the intersection paramter.
intersectWithRay :: Ray -> SceneObject -> Closest R (SceneObject, Point 3 R :+ R)
intersectWithRay ray obj = closest . fmap (\p -> p^.extra :+ (obj,p))
$ ray `intersect` (obj^.geom)

outputDimensions :: Vector 2 Int
outputDimensions = Vector2 outputWidth (ceiling $ fromIntegral outputWidth / aspectRatio)

-- | Determine the color of the closest object hit by the ray
rayColor :: StatefulGen gen m
=> gen
-> Ray
-> RayDepth
-- ^ Number of remaining bounces
-> Scene -> m Color
rayColor gen = rayColor'
rayColor' ray depth scene
| depth == 0 = pure $ opaque black -- stop tracing the ray
| otherwise = case shootRay ray scene of
Nothing -> pure backgroundColor
Just (obj,q) -> do
let normal = normalUnitVectorAt q (obj^.geom)
v <- (normal ^+^) <$>
uniformUpwardDirectionWrt normal gen
-- shoot a new ray
(blend 0.1 (opaque black))
<$> rayColor' (HalfLine (q^.core) v) (depth-1) scene

refreshRate :: Double
refreshRate = 10
-- -- | Compute the color of the object at the intersection point with the ray
-- colorAt ::

-- Ray -> (SceneObject, Point 3 R :+ R) -> Color
-- colorAt ray (obj,q) = let normal = normalUnitVectorAt q (obj^.geom)
-- -- v <- uniformUpwardDirectionWrt normal
-- Vector3 r g b = 0.5 *^ (normal ^+^ Vector3 1 1 1)
-- in opaque $ sRGB r g b
-- -- the values in the normal vec are in the range [-1,1]
-- -- make them into range [0,1]; then interpret them as colors

viewportDims :: Vector 2 Double
viewportDims = let Vector2 w h = fromIntegral <$> outputDimensions
desiredHeight = 2
in Vector2 desiredHeight (desiredHeight * (h/w))


amountOfWork (Vector2 w h) = w * h

-- | Renders a given pixel.
renderPixel :: StatefulGen gen m
=> gen
-> PixelInfo
-> Camera R
-> Scene
-> m PixelRGBA8
renderPixel gen pixel camera scene = toPixelRGBA <$> pixelColor
pixelColor = do
samples <- sampleUnitSquare gen
averageColor <$> mapM (\sample ->
rayColor gen (ray sample) maxRayComplexity scene
) samples

cameraPos = camera^.cameraPosition
topLeft = pixel^.pixelViewport.component @0

ray p = let Vector2 xOfset yOfset = zipWith (*^) (p^.vector) (pixel^.pixelDimensions)
p' = topLeft .+^ (xOfset ^+^ yOfset)
in HalfLine cameraPos (p' .-. cameraPos)

-- | Computes the average color
averageColor :: (AffineSpace color, Fractional a) => NonEmpty (color a) -> color a
averageColor (c :| colors) = let n = fromIntegral $ 1 + length colors
in affineCombo ((1/n,) <$> colors) c

toPixelRGBA :: Color -> PixelRGBA8
toPixelRGBA c = case toSRGB24 $ c `Colour.over` black of
RGB r g b -> PixelRGBA8 r g b (round $ 255 * alphaChannel c)

-- | Computes the part of the viewport (i.e. some rectangle floating in world space)
-- corresponding to the pixel x,y
pixelViewPort :: Point 3 R -> Vector 2 (Vector 3 R) -> Int -> Int -> ViewPort
pixelViewPort topLeft (Vector2 xVec yVec) x' y' =
let x = fromIntegral x'
y = fromIntegral y'
in Vector2 (topLeft .+^ ((x *^ xVec) ^+^ (y *^ yVec)))
(topLeft .+^ (((x +1) *^ xVec) ^+^ ((y+1)*^ yVec)))

-- containsMid (Point3 qx _ qz) (Vector2 (Point3 tlx _ tlz)
-- (Point3 brx _ brz)
-- ) = tlx <= qx && qx <= brx &&
-- tlz >= qz && qz >= brz

-- | Render the Scene, while reporting progress
renderWithProgress :: IO () -> Vector 2 Int -> Camera R -> Scene -> IO (Image PixelRGBA8)
renderWithProgress reportProgress screenDims@(Vector2 w h) camera scene = do
-- print ("screenDims",screenDims)
-- print ("VP size",camera^.viewportDimensions)
-- print ("VP dims",viewportDims)
-- print ("midPoint",midPoint)
-- print ("topLeft",topLeft)
-- print ("viewPort",theViewport)
-- print ("pixelDims",pixelDims)
gen <- newIOGenM =<< getStdGen
withImage w h $ \x y -> do
let pix = PixelInfo (Point2 x y) (pixelViewPort topLeft pixelDims x y) pixelDims
!pixColor <- renderPixel gen pix camera scene
pixColor <$ reportProgress

-- midpoint of the viewport (in 3D posiiton)
midPoint = (camera^.cameraPosition) .+^ ((camera^.focalDepth) *^ camera^.rawCameraNormal)

-- xVec is a vector (in R^3) that corresponds to the x-axis in the viewPlane.
-- the magnitude of the vector is so that it corresponds to the width of the viewPort
-- Same for the yVec. Note that in the viewPlane the y-axis runs "downward", so
-- it directly corresponds to the the pixel coordinates.
viewportDims@(Vector2 xVec yVec) =
zipWith (*^) (camera^.viewportDimensions)
(Vector2 ((camera^.cameraNormal) `cross` (camera^.viewUp))
(negated $ camera^.viewUp))

-- the topleft point of the viewport
topLeft = midPoint .-^ ((xVec ^+^ yVec) ^/ 2)

-- the dimensions of a single pixel in viewPort
pixelDims = zipWith (\axis numPixels -> axis ^/ fromIntegral numPixels)

-- theViewport = Vector2 topLeft (topLeft .+^ (xVec ^+^ yVec))


-- | Generate samples in a unit square.
sampleUnitSquare :: StatefulGen gen m => gen -> m (NonEmpty (Point 2 R))
sampleUnitSquare gen = NonEmpty.fromList
<$> replicateM (max 1 numSamplesPerPixel) (uniformRM ( Point $ pure 0
, Point $ pure 1
) gen)

-- * The scene

theScene :: Scene
theScene = [ SceneObject (ABall $ Ball (Point3 0 3 0) 1 ) (opaque red)
-- , SceneObject (ABall $ Ball (Point3 2 5 3) (1.5)) (opaque blue)
-- , SceneObject (ABall $ Ball (Point3 (-3) 20 6) 3 ) (opaque black)

-- , SceneObject (ABall $ Ball (Point3 0 2 0) 0.1 ) (opaque brown)

-- , SceneObject (ATriangle $ Triangle (Point3 (-6) 10 8)
-- (Point3 (-3) 12 6)
-- (Point3 (-5) 15 7)
-- ) (opaque purple)

-- , SceneObject (ATriangle $ Triangle (Point3 (-10) 22 16)
-- (Point3 (-6) 20 19)
-- (Point3 (-5) 25 7.5)
-- ) (opaque pink)
-- <>
-- mkPlane (Rectangle (Point2 3 3) (Point2 8 11)) (-0.1) (opaque blue)

-- | Some base plane representing the gorund
ground :: [SceneObject]
ground = mkPlane (Rectangle (Point2 minX minY) (Point2 maxX maxY)) z groundColor
groundColor = opaque green
z = -1
minX = -100
maxX = 100
minY = -100
maxY = 10

-- | Constructs a horizontal colored rectangle floating in space
mkPlane :: Rectangle (Point 2 R) -> R -> Color -> [SceneObject]
mkPlane (Rectangle (Point2 minX minY)
(Point2 maxX maxY)) z color =
[ SceneObject (ATriangle $ Triangle (Point3 minX minY z)
(Point3 maxX minY z)
(Point3 maxX maxY z)
) color
, SceneObject (ATriangle $ Triangle (Point3 maxX maxY z)
(Point3 minX maxY z)
(Point3 minX minY z)
) color


main :: IO ()
main = do
let initialProgress = Progress 0 (amountOfWork outputDimensions) ()
let amountOfWork (Vector2 w h) = w * h
initialProgress = Progress 0 (amountOfWork outputDimensions) ()
progressBar <- newProgressBar defStyle refreshRate initialProgress

imageData <- renderWithProgress (incProgress progressBar 1)
outputDimensions theScene
outputDimensions theCamera theScene

let bs = encodePng imageData
File.writeFile [osp|foo.png|] bs


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