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svg canvas
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noinia committed Sep 30, 2023
1 parent 7c93b0f commit d77bdc8
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Showing 4 changed files with 235 additions and 60 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions hgeometry/hgeometry.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -451,6 +451,8 @@ library svg

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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions hgeometry/kernel/src/HGeometry/Viewport.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ data Viewport r = Viewport { _viewPort :: Rectangle (Point 2 r)
-- ^ in host world
, _worldToHost :: Transformation 2 r
-- ^ Transformation that turns world
-- coordinates into host coordinats.
-- coordinates into host coordinates.

-- _hostToWorld :: Transformation 2 r
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,8 +94,10 @@ fromSize :: ( Num r, Vector_ vector 2 r
fromSize v = Viewport (Box origin (Point $ v^._Vector)) identity

-- | Flips the y-coordinate so that the origin is in the bottom left.
flipY :: ( Num r, Vector_ vector 2 r
) => vector -> Viewport r
flipY :: ( Num r, Vector_ vector 2 r)
=> vector -- ^ the dimensions of the viewport
-> Viewport r
flipY v = Viewport (Box origin (Point $ v^._Vector))
(flipY' $ v^.yComponent)

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137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions hgeometry/svg/src/HGeometry/Miso/Svg/Canvas.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module HGeometry.Miso.Svg.Canvas
( Canvas
, blankCanvas
, HasDimensions(..)

, HasMousePosition(..)
, mouseCoordinates

, InternalCanvasAction
, handleInternalCanvasAction

, svgCanvas_
) where

import Control.Lens hiding (elements)
import HGeometry.Miso.Svg.StaticCanvas
import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Transformation
import HGeometry.Vector
import HGeometry.Viewport
import Miso (Attribute, View, Effect, height_, width_, noEff, onMouseLeave)
import Miso.String (ms)
import Miso.Svg (svg_, g_, transform_)

-- *A Canvas

-- | Svg Canvas that has a "proper" Coordinate system whose origin is in the bottom left.
data Canvas r =
Canvas { _theViewport :: !(Viewport r)
-- ^ the viewport
, _dimensions :: !(Vector 2 Int)
-- ^ dimensions (width,height) in pixels, of the canvas
, _mousePosition :: Maybe (Point 2 Int)
-- ^ the mouse position, in raw pixel coordinates
deriving stock (Eq)

-- | Lens to access the viewport
theViewport :: Lens (Canvas r) (Canvas s) (Viewport r) (Viewport s)
theViewport = lens _theViewport (\c vp -> c { _theViewport = vp })

instance HasDimensions (Canvas r) (Vector 2 Int) where
dimensions = lens _dimensions (\c d -> c { _dimensions = d })
{-# INLINE dimensions #-}

-- | Class for types that have a mouse position
class HasMousePosition s a | s -> a where
-- | Lens to access the raw mouse position
mousePosition :: Lens' s a

instance HasMousePosition (Canvas r) (Maybe (Point 2 Int)) where
mousePosition = lens _mousePosition (\c m -> c { _mousePosition = m })
{-# INLINE mousePosition #-}

-- | Getter to access the mouse coordinates (in terms of the coordinate system as used by
-- the canvas). Returns a Nothing if the mouse is not currently on/over the canvas.
mouseCoordinates :: Fractional r => Getter (Canvas r) (Maybe (Point 2 r))
mouseCoordinates = to $ \m -> toWorldIn' (m^.theViewport) <$> m^.mousePosition
toWorldIn' vp p = toWorldIn vp (p&coordinates %~ fromIntegral)

-- center :: Lens' (Canvas r) (Point 2 r)
-- center = lens _center (\cv c -> cv { _center = c } )

-- zoomLevel :: Lens' (Canvas r) r
-- zoomLevel = lens _zoomLevel (\cv c -> cv { _zoomLevel = c } )


-- | Crate a blank canvas, that has the origin in the bottom-left.
blankCanvas :: (Num r)
=> Int -> Int -> Canvas r
blankCanvas w h = let v = Vector2 w h
in Canvas (flipY (fromIntegral <$> v)) v Nothing

-- * The Controller

-- | Actions that CanvasAction will handle itself.
data InternalCanvasAction = MouseMove (Int,Int)
| MouseLeave
deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Handles InternalCanvas Actions
handleInternalCanvasAction :: Canvas r -> InternalCanvasAction -> Effect action (Canvas r)
handleInternalCanvasAction canvas = noEff . \case
MouseMove (x,y) -> canvas&mousePosition ?~ Point2 x y
MouseLeave -> canvas&mousePosition .~ Nothing

-- * The View

-- | Draws the actual canvas
svgCanvas_ :: (RealFrac r, ToSvgCoordinate r)
=> Canvas r
-> [Attribute action] -> [View action]
-> View (Either InternalCanvasAction action)
svgCanvas_ canvas ats vs =
svg_ ([ width_ . ms $ w
, height_ . ms $ h
, onMouseLeave $ Left MouseLeave
] <> (fmap Right <$> ats))
[ g_ [ transform_ ts ] (fmap Right <$> vs)
(Vector2 w h) = canvas^.dimensions
ts = matrixToMisoString $ canvas^.theViewport.worldToHost.transformationMatrix

-- | To be used instead of the text_ combinator in Miso
-- textAt :: ToSvgCoordinate r
-- => Point 2 r -- ^ position where to draw (in world coordinates)
-- -> [Attribute action]
-- -> MisoString -> View action
-- textAt (Point2 x y) ats t = g_ [ transform_ $ mconcat [ "translate("
-- , ms x
-- , ", "
-- , ms y
-- , ")scale(1,-1)"
-- ]
-- ] [ Miso.text_ ats [text t] ]

-- class RenderWebSvg t where
-- renderWith :: t -> [Attribute action] -> [View action] -> View action

-- render :: RenderWebSvg t => t -> [Attribute action] -> View action
-- render x ats = renderWith x ats []

-- instance ToSvgCoordinate r => RenderWebSvg (Point 2 r) where
-- renderWith (Point2 x y) ats = ellipse_ $ [ cx_ $ ms x, cy_ $ ms y
-- , rx_ "5", ry_ "5"
-- , fill_ "black"
-- ] <> ats
148 changes: 91 additions & 57 deletions hgeometry/svg/src/HGeometry/Miso/Svg/StaticCanvas.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,90 +1,124 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module HGeometry.Miso.Svg.StaticCanvas
( Canvas(..)
, center, dimensions, zoomLevel, createCanvas
, staticCanvas_, textAt
, realWorldCoordinates
( StaticCanvas
, staticCanvas
, HasDimensions(..)
-- , center, dimensions, zoomLevel
, staticCanvas_
-- , textAt
-- , realWorldCoordinates
, ToSvgCoordinate

, matrixToMisoString
) where

import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens hiding (elements)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import HGeometry.Matrix
import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Svg.MathCoordinateSystem ( Canvas(..)
, center
, dimensions
, zoomLevel
, createCanvas
, realWorldCoordinates
import HGeometry.Transformation
import HGeometry.Vector
import Miso
import HGeometry.Viewport
import Miso (Attribute, View, height_, width_)
import Miso.String (MisoString, ToMisoString, ms)
import qualified Miso.String.Util as MisoString
import qualified Miso.Svg as Miso
import Miso.Svg (svg_, g_, transform_, viewBox_)
import Miso.Svg (svg_, g_, transform_)

-- *A Canvas

type ToSvgCoordinate = ToMisoString
-- | Svg Canvas that has a "proper" Coordinate system whose origin is in the bottom left.
data StaticCanvas r =
Canvas { _theViewport :: !(Viewport r)
-- ^ the viewport
, _dimensions :: !(Vector 2 Int)
-- ^ dimensions (width,height) in pixels, of the canvas
deriving stock (Eq)

theViewport :: Lens (StaticCanvas r) (StaticCanvas s) (Viewport r) (Viewport s)
theViewport = lens _theViewport (\c vp -> c { _theViewport = vp })

class HasDimensions s a | s -> a where
dimensions :: Lens' s a

instance HasDimensions (StaticCanvas r) (Vector 2 Int) where
dimensions = lens _dimensions (\c d -> c { _dimensions = d})
{-# INLINE dimensions #-}

-- class HasTheViewport s a | s -> a where
-- theViewport :: Lens' s a

-- instance HasTheViewport (Canvas r) (Viewport r) where
-- {-# INLINE theViewport #-}
-- theViewport f (Canvas vp d) = fmap (\ vp' -> Canvas vp' d) (f vp)

-- center :: Lens' (Canvas r) (Point 2 r)
-- center = lens _center (\cv c -> cv { _center = c } )

-- dimensions :: Lens' (Canvas r) (Vector 2 Int)
-- dimensions = lens _dimensions (\cv c -> cv { _dimensions = c } )

-- | Draws the actual canvas
staticCanvas_ :: (RealFrac r, ToSvgCoordinate r)
=> Canvas r -> [Attribute action] -> [View action] -> View action
staticCanvas_ cv ats vs = div_ [ style_ $ Map.fromList [ ("margin", "0")
, ("padding", "0")
, ("height", ms h <> "px")
[ svg_ ([ width_ . ms $ w
, height_ . ms $ h
, viewBox_ $ outerVB
] <> ats
[ g_ [ transform_ "scale(1,-1)" ]
[ svg_ [ width_ . ms $ w
, height_ . ms $ h
, viewBox_ $ innerVB
] vs
-- zoomLevel :: Lens' (Canvas r) r
-- zoomLevel = lens _zoomLevel (\cv c -> cv { _zoomLevel = c } )

dims@(Vector2 w h) = cv^.dimensions
Point2 cx cy = round <$> cv^.center
-- | Create a canvas
staticCanvas :: Num r
=> Int -> Int -> StaticCanvas r
staticCanvas w h = let v = Vector2 w h
in Canvas (flipY (fromIntegral <$> v)) v

-- * The Controller

Vector2 vw vh = round <$> (1 / cv^.zoomLevel) *^ (fromIntegral <$> dims)

-- * The View

type ToSvgCoordinate = ToMisoString

-- | Draws the actual canvas
staticCanvas_ :: (RealFrac r, ToSvgCoordinate r)
=> StaticCanvas r
-> [Attribute action] -> [View action] -> View action
staticCanvas_ canvas ats vs =
svg_ ([ width_ . ms $ w
, height_ . ms $ h
-- , viewBox_ $ outerVB
] <> ats)
[ g_ [ transform_ ts ] vs
(Vector2 w h) = canvas^.dimensions
ts = matrixToMisoString $ canvas^.theViewport.worldToHost.transformationMatrix

matrixToMisoString :: ToSvgCoordinate r => Matrix 3 3 r -> MisoString
matrixToMisoString m = "matrix(" <> MisoString.unwords [a,b,c,e,d,f] <> ")"
(Vector3 (Vector3 a b c)
(Vector3 d e f)
_ ) = (m&elements %~ ms :: Matrix 3 3 MisoString)^.rows
-- this last vector has to be 0 0 1

toVB = MisoString.unwords . map ms
outerVB = toVB [0, (-1) * h, w, h]
-- role of the outer viewBox is to flip the coordinate system s.t. the origin
-- is in the bottom left rather than the top-left

innerVB = toVB [(cx - (vw `div` 2)), (cy - (vh `div` 2)), vw, vh]

-- | To be used instead of the text_ combinator in Miso
textAt :: ToSvgCoordinate r
=> Point 2 r -- ^ position where to draw (in world coordinates)
-> [Attribute action]
-> MisoString -> View action
textAt (Point2 x y) ats t = g_ [ transform_ $ mconcat [ "translate("
, ms x
, ", "
, ms y
, ")scale(1,-1)"
] [ Miso.text_ ats [text t] ]
-- textAt :: ToSvgCoordinate r
-- => Point 2 r -- ^ position where to draw (in world coordinates)
-- -> [Attribute action]
-- -> MisoString -> View action
-- textAt (Point2 x y) ats t = g_ [ transform_ $ mconcat [ "translate("
-- , ms x
-- , ", "
-- , ms y
-- , ")scale(1,-1)"
-- ]
-- ] [ Miso.text_ ats [text t] ]

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