This repository consists of the parts required to run the D2 armory with docker compose.
The docker-compose.yml file describes all components and their configuration.
The Armory frontend written in react that can be found here.
Armory API is responsible for serving characters over HTTP and caches characters requested repeatedly in a short time in mongoDB.
the d2s folder contains a few d2s files that can be used to run the armory with. The d2s folder is mounted into the d2 armory api on start up.
The armory is started using docker compose to containerize the application so the host system doesn't have to install any dependencies.
# starts the armory as with all components as daemons.
docker-compose up -d
# list all running containers to make sure they're healthy.
docker-compose ps
# stops all components.
docker-compose down
# use the -v flag to remove the volume.
docker-compose down -v
If you want to develop a single part of the armory such as the frontend, it's advised to run that project outside of docker by cloning the repository and start it locally on the host machine but still use the Armory API and mongodb running in Docker.
docker-compose stop armory-gui