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Bike share open data schema

Noel Hidalgo edited this page Sep 5, 2013 · 12 revisions

This page needs to be cleaned up

Trip Duration Data

Based off of Hubway Data Visualization Challenge, this is a proposed version of the trip duration schema.

  • Key Lead - "Ride"
  • why "Ride" and not "Trip" ?
  • Trip ID - "ID"
  • Start date and time - "start_date: start date of trip with date and time"
  • Start station location - "start_station: station id of start station"
  • End date and time - "end_date: end date of trip with date and time"
  • End station location - "end_station_id: station id of end station"
  • Bike number - "bike_nr: id of bicycle used"
  • Membership type - "subscription_type: (should be cognizant of varying membership types)"
  • Can use special types for Repair, Rebalancing, Retirement (dead bike)
  • Zipcode of member (of registered user) - "zip_code: zipcode of user"
  • age of member (of registered user) - "birth_date: birth year of user"
  • gender of member (of registered user) - "gender: gender of user"

Station Information

Based off of Hubway XML feed and JCDecaux Developer Portal this is a proposed schema for station information, status, and capacity. Noel has started a spreadsheet to document some of the variables seen in schemas around the world.

  • Key Lead - "terminal"
  • Why "terminal" and not "station"?
  • Station ID / Number - "ID"
  • Station Name - "terminalName"
  • Station Address - "terminalAddress1"
  • Station Address - "terminalAddress2"
  • Station City - "terminalCity"
  • Station Postal Code - "postalCode"
  • Station Position (lat) - "lat"
  • Station Position (Lng) - "lng"
  • Station Altitude - "altitude"
  • Station Payment Availability - "terminalBanking: Indicates if there is a 'banking' terminal"
  • Station Payment Status - "terminalLocked: indicates whether station's payment terminal is locked."
  • Station Status - "terminalStatus: open or closed."
  • Installed Date - "installDate: when the bike terminal was installed."
  • Installed Status - "installed: Yes/No."
  • Installed Type - "temporary: Indicates whether station is temporary."
  • Station Removal Date - "removalDate"
  • Station Availability - "public: yes or no. indicated if the station is available to the general public or if is located behind an access controlled checkpoint, i.e. industrial, police, or military installation."
  • Station Stands Total - "nbCapacity: Number of stands at station."
  • Station Stands, Available - "nbEmptyDocks: Number of empty docks at station."
  • Station Stands, with Bikes Available for rental - "nbBikes: Number of bikes at station."
  • Number of broken bikes at station - "nbBroken: Number of bikes indicated broken at station."
  • Last communication with central server - "lastCommWithServer: Last communication with central server."
  • Last update received from station. - "latestUpdateTime: Last update received from station."

Bike Hire Fare


Bike Rack Location

  • XML Lead - "CycleRack"
  • Rack ID / Number - "ID"
  • Rack Name - "rackName"
  • Rack Address - "rackAddress1"
  • Rack Address - "rackAddress2"
  • Rack City - "rackCity"
  • Rack Postal Code - "postalCode"
  • Rack Position (lat) - "lat"
  • Rack Position (Lng) - "lng"
  • Rack Altitude - "altitude"
  • Rack Installed Date - "installDate: when the bike terminal was installed."
  • Rack Status - "installed: Logical, Yes/No."
  • Rack Type - "temporary: Logical, indicates whether station is temporary."
  • Rack Removal Date - "removalDate"
  • Rack Total - "nbCapacity: Number of stands at station."