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This test compares the speed of Python, Java, Node.js, C♯, C++, PHP, C, Go, Kotlin, Rust, Ruby, Dart, Swift, R and Visual Basic (the 15 most common languages that can output primes to a console) by comparing the speed of implementations of an algorithm similar to rwh_primes. The output of the programs is not shown; you only see the time taken by each program. Use my discord maths bot, which includes a command with this language benchmarker, and more!

Output of implementations

To run the individual implementations and see their output, do Ctrl+C to exit into bash, and type in these commands for each language, followed by the number you want to check for primes up to:

Language Command
Ruby ruby primes.rb
Python python
Node.js node primes.js
R Rscript primes.r
PHP php primes.php
Java java -cp Java primes
Others <language>/primes

Example: ruby primes.rb 100, Kotlin/primes 100 both output:

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97
Total: 25

Building the implementations

To build the implementations, type ./ [languages...] in the shell. It alerts you when the build is finished. Go through the file to see which commands are used to build each implementation.

Versions of compilers and interpreters

Go to the file replit.nix, and see the packages listed there. To see the version of a language, go to NixOS Search and type in the package name. For example, for C#, there is a line in replit.nix which says pkgs.dotnet-sdk. Search up dotnet-sdk on the nix website, and you will see the version used. I will try to update the language versions as soon as new ones comes out, but please notify me if I fail to do so.
C# version