Wordpress plugin which displays searchable, DMR user or repeater database tables. Data is from http://dmr.ham-digital.net/
Downloader & updater scripts also included (notice: they should not be run from the www-data folder!)
Edit and rename ha5kdr-dmr-db-config-example.inc.php to ha5kdr-dmr-db-config.inc.php, ha5kdr-dmr-db-example.css to ha5kdr-dmr-db.css, then enable the plugin on the Wordpress plugin configuration page. Add ha5kdr-dmr-db-repeaters-process.php and ha5kdr-dmr-db-users-process.php to crontab and make it run every hour, the database will be updated hourly. Copy loader-example.gif to loader.gif.
To show the users table, insert this to a Wordpress page or post:
<ha5kdr-dmr-db-users />
To show the repeaters table, insert this to a Wordpress page or post:
<ha5kdr-dmr-db-repeaters />
You can see a working example here.