by me and PJ
hopefully it will be easy..
but it is impossible..
this readme is more like a diary to record the process..
will reorganize later
please go to stable branch
$ git checkout main
in case you want some local images:
$ cd frontend/server
$ node server.js # start another server to provide local images
$ cd ..
$ npm install
$ npm start
$ cd backend
$ poetry install
$ poetry run python -m mytodo serve --debug
please go to
Below is just a diary please ignore it!!!!
- please make sure your environment is correct
- detailed requirement please refer to here
- build a structure of the front & backend using react.js
$ npx create-react-app frontend --template typescript
$ cd frontend
$ npm install mobx-react --save
$ npm install antd --save
- use the structure to create a webpage that can access..
- use poetry to init and add dependencies
$ poetry init
$ poetry add [dependency]
how to transfer the response data of axios into typescript type????????(use console.log to find out the problem!!)tired..
- using axios to post data to the backend
- using form to collect data
- try using mysqlmodel
$ poetry add sqlalchemy
$ poetry add sqlmodel
- sqlmodel can connect with backend and frontend
strange... onSubmit is a method described in docs... not resolved..copy and paste the node-module from a successful version(use onClick to substitute)
Type '{ children: Element; layout: "inline"; onSubmit: () => void; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & FormProps<any> & { children?: ReactNode; } & { ref?: Ref<FormInstan
- cannot lively update the frontend
ugly frontend UI(use antd.css!!!)not able to rebase the model on sqlmodel yet(necessary?)
- add sider but not seems to working
- extending current models, add status
- rebase on sqlmodel
- sqlmodel is easier than creating a model the wrong doc before
- redraw the UI(Just add default antd.css and all is done..F**K)
- add expire_date
- can re-render the pages every second, still cannot re-render based on events..strange
- not able to handle observer, may try listener tomorrow
- draw the update drawer
- add function to check if expired
- modify some type into enum to increase readability
- add the sort buttons
- add local images, due to chromium's security restrictions
- build a simple server
- offer yarn method with yarn.lock instead of npm only
- add the test function for
- import some additional modules