A Python client wrapping up HashiCorp's Terraform Cloud API.
Package available from the PyPi repository:
$ pip install noos-tf
Import the namespace within your project,
import os
import noos_tf
# Instantiate client
tf_client = noos_tf.TerraformClient()
# Authenticate client
Then query directly from the Terraform Cloud API ; as a example:
- a workspace ID:
tf_client.get_workspace_id("myOrganisation", "myWorkspace")
- the variable IDs from a given workspace:
tf_client.get_variable_ids("myOrganisation", "myWorkspace")
The library offers as well some helper functions for more involved workflows, such as:
- updating a variable value:
- running and applying a plan:
"Test run",
The above helper functions could be accessed directly from the command line.
$ noostf
Usage: noostf [--core-opts] <subcommand> [--subcommand-opts] ...
run Run a plan in Terraform cloud.
update Update variable in Terraform cloud.
Make sure poetry has been installed and pre-configured,
This project is shipped with a Makefile, which is ready to do basic common tasks.
$ make
help Display this auto-generated help message
update Lock and install build dependencies
clean Clean project from temp files / dirs
format Run auto-formatting linters
install Install build dependencies from lock file
lint Run python linters
test Run pytest with all tests
package Build project wheel distribution
release Publish wheel distribution to PyPi