I needed a simple loading or progressing bar for some of my bash scripts. I like pv. Its great. But an extra depency for my scripts. I dont like extra depencies and this was just a one evening script.
The Output will look something like this:
[ ##### ]
( ooooooooooooooo )
| ===== |
or whatever you specify as parameters ;)
At first copy this in your script and change the first while condition to something useful to you. Maybe you would like to pack this into a function or something. But this is at least your part ;)
Next you can specify your parameters (if you want to!)
./loading.sh maximal_size_of_bar speed_in_seconds first_delimiter fill_chars last_delimiter
For Example:
./loading.sh 50 0.02 [ "######" ]
Thats all. But keep an eye on special characters in Bash! Its possible that everything implodes. Use \( for ( or "#" for # for example.
At least you can start the script without any parameters:
Remove the \r (Carrige return) from the script. Does make nice banners in your Terminal :)