Serra is my personal Magic: The Gathering collection tracker.
It began as a holiday project in winter 2021/2022 because I was frustrated of Collection Tracker Websites that are:
- Pain to use
- Want ~$10 a month
- Don't have the features I want
So I started my own Collection Tracker using Golang, MongoDB and Scryfall to have an overview in what cards you own and what value they have.
What Serra does
- Tracks prices
- Calculates statistics
- Query/filter all of your cards
- Shows what cards/sets do best in value development.
What Serra does not
- Does not care about conditions (NM, M, GD...)
- Does not track etched cards. Only normal and foil.
on macOS you can use
brew install noqqe/tap/serra
on Linux/BSD/Windows you can download binaries from
To run serra, a MongoDB Database is required. The best way is to setup one by yourself. Any way it connects is fine.
You can also use the docker-compose setup included in this Repo:
docker-compose up -d
Configure serra
via Environment variables
export MONGODB_URI='mongodb://root:root@localhost:27017'
After that, you can add a card
./serra add usg/17
./serra update
Start exploring :) (the more cards you add, the more fun it is)
The overall usage is described in --help
text. But below are some examples.
serra [command]
Available Commands:
add Add a card to your collection
card Search & show cards from your collection
check Check if a card is in your collection
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
flops What cards lost most value
help Help about any command
missing Display missing cards from a set
remove Remove a card from your collection
set Search & show sets from your collection
stats Shows statistics of the collection
tops What cards gained most value
update Update card values from scryfall
web Startup web interface
-h, --help help for serra
-v, --version version for serra
Use "serra [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To add a card to your collection.
Query all of your cards with filters
List all your sets
Show details of a single set
Calculate some stats for all of your cards
Show what cards/set gained most value
Show what cards/set lost most value
The update mechanism iterates over each card in your collection and fetches its price. After all cards you own in a set are updated, the set value will update. After all Sets are updated, the whole collection value is updated.
To add a card to your collection.
Yes. While there are serveral OCR/Photo Scanners for mtg cards, I found they are not accurate enough. They guess Editions wrong, they have problems with blue/black cards and so on.
I add my cards the add --interactive
feature, since they are sorted by editions
> ./serra add --interactive --unique --set one
one> 1
1x "Against All Odds" (uncommon, 0.06 USD) added to Collection.
one> 1
Not adding "Against All Odds" (uncommon, 0.06 USD) to Collection because it already exists.
one> 3
1x "Apostle of Invasion" (uncommon, 0.03 USD) added to Collection.
It also supports ranges of cards
dmr> 1-3
1x "Auramancer" (common, 0.02$) added to Collection.
1x "Battle Screech" (uncommon, 0.09$) added to Collection.
1x "Cleric of the Forward Order" (common, 0.01$) added to Collection.
Its basically typing 2-3 digit numbers and hitting enter. I was way faster with this approach then Smartphone scanners.
If you want to upgrade, go to releases Page and download the corresponding release for your platform.
For example:
tar zxfv serra_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz
No extra steps needed. Only new Webinterface and Foil support
In this stage of the development of serra, I was breaking the original database "schema" without migration.
Sadly you need to export the cards from the mongodb and import it again using serra add
I wrote a little helper script in python to export all the cards in format set/number and generate some queries
python3 >
./serra add 5ed/3 -c 1
./serra add mmq/2 -c 1
./serra add p02/4 -c 1
./serra add chr/44 -c 1
./serra add 4ed/291 -c 1
./serra add 4ed/292 -c 1
./serra add mir/2 -c 1
./serra add usg/231 -c 1
./serra add mir/155 -c 1
./serra add pcy/29 -c 2
<do the upgrade of serra (download new binary>
<delete the old mongodb or just empty it completly>
go build .
A few commands that do backups and exports of your data inside of the docker container.
Do a database dump
mongodump -u root -p root --authenticationDatabase admin -d serra -o /backup/
Do a collection export to json
mongoexport -u root -p root --authenticationDatabase admin -d serra -c cards > /backup/cards.json
mongoexport -u root -p root --authenticationDatabase admin -d serra -c sets > /backup/sets.json
mongoexport -u root -p root --authenticationDatabase admin -d serra -c total > /backup/total.json