Inspired by the likes of Zod and Valibot.
This is a very short-term roadmap mind you and nothing here is final
- ⚙️ Setup build system and package the library
- 📚 Add some basic documentation
- 🧬 Improve TypeScript types
import * as v from '@nordic-ui/validathor';
// Define your schema shape
const exampleSchema = v.object({
name: v.string([v.min(2)]),
age: v.number([v.min(13), v.max(100)]),
email: v.string([]),
avatar: v.object({
path: v.string(),
size: v.number(),
acceptedTerms: v.boolean(),
v.min(new Date('2021/01/01')),
v.max(new Date()),
tags: v.array(v.string())
// If the input data matches the schema, nothing will happen,
// Otherwise an error will be thrown to help the user
try {
name: 'John Doe',
age: 35,
email: '',
avatar: {
path: '',
size: 2048
acceptedTerms: true,
createdAt: new Date('01/08/2023'),
tags: ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3']
} catch(err) {
// Do something with the error
Made by Kevin Østerkilde