A small tool for finding partition offsets in an Apache Kafka topic. We use it to start replays in Apache Flink jobs at a given point in time. The current level of quality is "works for me"
sbt clean compile package
Then include the built jar in your own application. You will need org.apache.kafka.kafka-clients and org.slf4j.slf4j-api on the classpath. On the other hand it might be easier to just include the source into your project.
// determine offsets
val offsetFinder = new OffsetFinder[String]
val offsets = offsetFinder.getOffsets(
s => {
// put some actual code here that
// can compute a timestamp from one of your Kafka messages
// this is the timestamp to look for
// pass offsets to Flink´s Kafka consumer
val kafkaOffsets = new java.util.HashMap[KafkaTopicPartition, java.lang.Long]
for (o <- offsets) {
kafkaOffsets.put(new KafkaTopicPartition(kafkaSourceTopic, o._1.partition()), o._2)
val consumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer010[Tuple](kafkaSourceTopic, ...)