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Non standard Python modules installation

Ilya V. Portnov edited this page Nov 13, 2019 · 5 revisions

This page describes a way to install a python package, which is not included into standard Blender's distribution, to be usable from Blender and from Sverchok.

Sverchok itself does not use any non-standard Python modules, to be easily installable into any blender installation. Some scripted nodes that are provided as examples within Sverchok distribution, however, do use such modules. You may want to install such modules if you wish to develop some non-standard / scripted node by yourself.

You may be interested in a discussion of different modules that may provide some useful functionality - please see issue #2152.

Install pip

This I tested on latest Blender 2.81 builds. The similar instructions should work for other Blender 2.8x versions.

$ /path/to/blender/2.xx/python/bin/python3 -m ensurepip
$ /path/to/blender/2.xx/python/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

(exact name of python executable depends on specific blender build).

Package installation

  • Now you can install anything, for example scipy, with pip into your blender's python:
$ /path/to/blender/2.xx/python/bin/python3.5m -m pip install scipy

Note: you may have to adjust paths depending on blender's and python's versions.

After that, you can for example run

from scipy.spatial import Voronoi

from blender's python console to check if scipy installed successfully.


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