A poorly-named set of python modules for securing Python's XMLRPC server.
The most basic object provided by these modules is SecureXMLRPCServer, an XMLRPC server that uses (for 2.7 and later) Python's built-in ssl module to encrypt communications. This can be connected to with xmlrpclib as usual by using a HTTPS url.
Two companion classes are provided that replace the SecureXMLRPCRequestHandler in the server, SecureAuthenticatedXMLRPCServer and SecureLDAPXMLRPCServer.
SecureAuthenticatedXMLRPCServer provides a server that uses simple HTTP auth for access.
SecureLDAPXMLRPCServer provides a server that searches a given LDAP basedn for a particular user in order to respond.
The ssl module was introduced into Python's standard library in version 2.6. This code has only been extensively tested against 2.7.
Use of SecureLDAPXMLRPCServer requires Python-LDAP.
Developed for Demonware/Activision Blizzard Inc. Released under the BSD License