Hello everyone! This is the new powerful version of Discord-OGP bot, if you had any problem on following the instructions below feel free to contact me or just open a new issue thats will be really good.
It is really easy to setup the project! Just get nodejs version 18.15.0.
Click the blue/green "CODE" button on this page. Choose the option "DOWNLOAD ZIP". Or you can directly download the ZIP from this link.
Extract ZIP to your Desktop and go to the Discord-OGP folder. In there, open a terminal (right-click + left shift to open cmd) type npm install, after that type node index.js, open config.js file and put informations (token, ip...) and enjoy :D.
- Log into your OGP account
Link your discord account with your Open Game Panel account using username and password.
- Creating users
Add new users in OGP from Discord.
- Creating game servers
You can create a game server in OGP using bot's slash command from Discord. Supporting only MTA:SA, SA:MP, Minecraft, VC:MP, Team Speak 3 on the last OGP version (For Minecraft, VC:MP and TeamSpeak3 you may need to add more functions to make it works).
- Cloning servers
Cloning existing servers, If you didn't like this feature, you can easily delete the file.
- Fast and easy to use.
Free project and easy to use it and controlling your OGP from Discord.
π If you have any other improvement ideas or questions, just ask me on Discord or join our Discord server !
β³ * Thanks to everyone who took the time to read through this slightly longer tutorial ! ββ *