Crud-Test implemented in Node.Js & MongoDB
User-Post CRUD backend server implemented in Node.Js-Express. Database was made with MongoDB.
Project consist in two routes:
- /users
- /posts
In each route, content can be Created, Read, Updated or Deleted.
Unitary Test where made with Jest and Supertest. Test coverages up to 76%.
This coverage can be seen at ./coverage/lcov-report/index.html
User Docker and Docker-Compose.
If you have Node and an IDE(like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text, among others), just clone this repo and run npm install.
Then create a .env file with the following variables, you may use these: ( PORT=3001 JWT_KEY=mysecretkey MONGO_DB_URI=mongodb://localhost/crud MONGO_DB_TEST=mongodb://localhost:/crud_test xMONGO_DB_URI=mongodb://mongo:27017/crud )
Then run "npm start" and server will start listening on port 3001.
Tests can be seen with "npm run test"
Docker and Docker-compose ready. Just do:
- docker-compose build
- docker-compose up
And server will be listening on port 5000
Disclaimer: Had problems using .env with docker-compose, so I just hardcoded the DB conectionString.