docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/srv/waifu2x nothink/waifu2x -- -i /srv/waifu2x/src.jpg -o /srv/waifu2x/dst_2x.png
/opt/waifu2x-cpp/waifu2x-converter-cpp [--list-opencv-formats]
[--list-processor] [--block_size
<integer>] [--disable-gpu]
[--force-OpenCL] [-p <integer>] [-j
<integer>] [--model_dir <string>]
[--scale_ratio <double>]
[--noise_level <1|2|3>] [-m <noise
|scale|noise_scale>] [-q] [-r
<bool>] [-o <string>] -i <string>
[--] [--version] [-h]
dump opencv supported format list
dump processor list
--block_size <integer>
block size
disable GPU
force to use OpenCL on Intel Platform
-p <integer>, --processor <integer>
set target processor
-j <integer>, --jobs <integer>
number of threads launching at the same time
--model_dir <string>
path to custom model directory (don't append last / )
--scale_ratio <double>
custom scale ratio
--noise_level <1|2|3>
noise reduction level
-m <noise|scale|noise_scale>, --mode <noise|scale|noise_scale>
image processing mode
-q, --quiet
Enable quiet mode.
-r <bool>, --recursive_directory <bool>
Search recursively through directories to find more images to process.
If this is set to 0 it will only check in the directory specified if
the input is a directory instead of an image.
You mustn't supply this argument with something other than 0 or 1.
-o <string>, --output <string>
path to output image file or directory (you should use the full path)
-i <string>, --input <string>
(required) path to input image file or directory (you should use the
full path)
--, --ignore_rest
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help
Displays usage information and exits.
waifu2x OpenCV Fork -