This is a set of Python3 scripts which generate a Ceefax-like teletext service from the following websites:
- BBC News
- BBC Sport
- UK Met Office
It can be configured using the YAML file defaults.yaml
The output is in the "Viewdata escaped" version of the TTI file format.
dateutil, to parse dates from feeds
sudo apt install python3-dateutil
AdvancedHTMLParser, to extract information from HTML pages
pip3 install AdvancedHTMLParser
NB. There's a bug in AdvancedHTMLParser: kata198/AdvancedHTMLParser#12
pico +1272 ~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/AdvancedHTMLParser/
and change "self.useIndex" to "useIndex".
CacheControl, to cache fetched pages. Filecache stores the contents in the fileystem
pip3 install CacheControl[filecache]
feedparser, to fetch and parse RSS feeds.
pip3 install feedparser
PyYAML, to read the configuration file.
pip3 install PyYAML
MetOffer. Fixed version included here as upstream version has bugs which haven't been fixed for 18 months.
I'm indebted to Nathan for originally writing makeceefax.php
, and
for his subsequent help and encouragement.
Teletext on the Raspberry Pi