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Murphy McCauley edited this page Mar 8, 2012 · 1 revision

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Ubuntu 10.04

A full compile of NOX zaku can be performed with the following packages:

  sudo apt-get install autoconf automake g++ libtool swig make git-core libboost-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libssl-dev libpcap-dev python-twisted python-simplejson python-dev

There is also a .deb package that itself depends on everything you should need. You can find it on the NOX Installation page.

Ubuntu 9.10

Compiling just the core apps requires the following packages:

    apt-get install autoconf automake g++ libtool python python-twisted swig libboost-filesystem1.38-dev libboost1.38-dev libboost-test1.38-dev libxerces-c2-dev libssl-dev make

Building all of the applications requires the following additional packages:

    apt-get install libsqlite3-dev python-simplejson

To build the documentation you will need to install sphinx:

    apt-get install python-sphinx

Ubuntu 8.40

Compiling just the core apps requires the following packages:

    apt-get install autoconf automake g++ libtool python python2.5-dev python-twisted swig libboost-python1.34.1 libboost-python-dev libboost-serialization-dev libboost-test-dev libxerces28-dev libssl-dev make

Building all of the applications requires the following additional packages:

    apt-get install libsqlite3-dev python-simplejson

Debian Lenny

Compiling just the core apps requires the following packages:

    apt-get install autoconf automake g++ libtool python python-twisted swig libboost1.35-dev libxerces-c2-dev libssl-dev make

Building all of the applications requires the following additional packages:

    apt-get install libsqlite3-dev python-simplejson

To build the documentation you will need to install sphinx:

    apt-get install python-sphinx

Fedora Core 9+

From a standard development install, you can build after installing the following packages:

    yum install xerces-c-devel python-twisted libpcap-devel

Gentoo 2008.0-rc1

To compile without twisted python you’ll need the following packages:

    emerge -av boost
    emerge -av xerces-c

OpenSUSE 10.3

The boost distribution that comes with OpenSuse is too old. You’ll have to install this from the source:

    * boost (

To build NOX (with twisted python) you’ll have to installed the following packages from a base install:

gcc gcc-c++ make libXerces-c-27 libXerces-c-devel libpcap-devel libopenssl-devel swig sqlite-devel python-devel python-twisted python-curses

Mandriva One 2008

NOX compiled on Mandriva with the following packages installed:

    libboost-devel boost-1.35.0 libxerces-c-devel libopenssl0.9.8-devel libsqlite3-devel libpython2.5-devel python-twisted swig-devel

If the swig and swig-devel packages are not available from the repository, you will have to build swig from source.