Web App and Discord Bot to conduct college quizzes online. IT IS NOT PRODUCTION READY.
These instructions will give you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
- Recent NodeJS version
- MongoDB (running locally on port 27017, without Auth)
- Java with Spring Boot and Gradle
- Docker
- Docker-compose
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file:
Run setup.sh
This project uses Spring Boot's Docker buildpack and the backend does not have an explicit Dockerfile. You need to build the Spring image first.
To learn about tech such as Spring Boot and Server Sent Events.
I am still learning about some of the tech involved. When I started this project I had not worked with SSE, Spring Boot or Angular previously. Myfrontend development experience in general was also minimal and I had not written any non-trivial code in Java. Reach out to me, or open an issue or discussion if you have any feedback!
- Check out the docs folder.
- Check out the git commit messages
- API Docs can be found @
when the server is running. - There is limited HATEOS support in the REST API.
Client: AngularJS, Angular Material Components
Server: Spring Boot, MongoDB
Deployment: Docker, Docker-compose
- Server Sent Events with Spring Boot
- Dynamically generating forms with Angular's
. - Perils of field-based DI/Autowiring
- Reactive design patterns with RxJS
- Angular CLI Usage
- Angular artifact types (Component, Class, Service, Pipe etc)
- Angular pipes (both built-in and custom)
- Angular component lifecycle basics
- Angular Decorators such as
- Lombok decorators
Refer project board and commit messages