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2. Quick start

Natasha Pavlovikj edited this page Jan 7, 2021 · 1 revision
[npavlovikj@login.crane ~]$ git clone
[npavlovikj@login.crane ~]$ cd ProkEvo/

To download raw Illumina paired-end reads from NCBI, as an input, ProkEvo requires only a list of SRA ids stored in the file sra_ids.txt. In this repo, as an example we provide file sra_ids.txt with few Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis genomes:

[npavlovikj@login.crane ProkEvo]$ cat sra_ids.txt 

Once the input files are specified, the next step is to submit ProkEvo using the provided script:

[npavlovikj@login.crane ProkEvo]$ ./ 

And that's it! The submit script sets the current directory as a working directory where all temporary and final outputs are stored. Running ./ prints lots of useful information on the command line, including how to check the status of the workflow and remove it if necessary.