Swaddle sets out to solve the problem of letting a caretaker know details about your child that are often forgotten or overlooked, but are nonetheless important to the care of your little nugget.
✨ Deployed through Heroku at Swaddle.care
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
- bcrypt.js
- dotenv
- Cloudinary
- Express
- express-session
- @material-ui/icons
- Material UI Image
- Material-UI pickers
- moment
- Morgan
- Node MySQL 2
- Passport
- Passport-Local
- react-moment
- Sequelize
This project is derived from starter code licensed under the MIT License.
👤 Project-KAPF
Ken Williams
- Github: @kenwilliams74
- Email: kenwilliams74@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: ken-williams-fullstackcoding
- Website: kenwilliams74.github.io
Nectarios 'Ari' Gockel
- Github: @NPGockel
- Email: npgockel@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: nectarios-gockel
- Website: npgockel.github.io
Prabjit Virdee
- Github: @prabjitv
- Email: prabjitv@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: prabjit-virdee-54626b1a5
- Website: https://prabjitv.github.io/Responsive-Portfolio/index.html
Forace Avant
- Github: @ForaceAvant
- Email: themattavant@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: forace-avant-4805a619a
- Website: https://reactportfolioforace.herokuapp.com/
The group title "KAPF" is an acronym derived from the first letters of our names, which is actually the German word for "cap." A serendipitous title for the capstone project of our Coding Bootcamp.
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