- JWT_SECRET : secret used to sign JWTs
- DB_HOST : database address
- DB_PORT : database port (default 5432)
- DB_USERNAME : database user
- DB_PASSWORD : database password for DB_USERNAME
- DB_DATABASE : name of the database to use
- FRONTEND_URL : url to the frontend
- SENDINBLUE_KEY : the sendinblue api key
- SENDER_EMAIL : the email to use when sending validation emails
- MONGO_URI : uri to the mongo database
In order to start containers (runners), the api needs access to the docker socket : /var/run/docker.sock
On this docker the images in runner-images must be available, use runner-images/build.sh
npm install
npm run start:dev
With dev env variables :
DB_USERNAME=postgres DB_PASSWORD=postgres DB_DATABASE=postgres JWT_SECRET=ah SENDER_EMAIL="noreply@nponsard.net" SENDIBLUE_KEY=<redacted> MONGO_URI=mongodb://root:example@localhost:27017/ npm run test
You need to build first :
npm run build
Then you can run (don’t forget to set env variables) :
npm run start:prod
npm run test