###Hungry_beeper CS M117 Project
#Web Interface of Hungry Beeper
##Introduction The web interface of Hungry Beeper is meant to be accessed by individual restaurant to manager the current queue for the restaurant. They may choose to inform a customer that their table is ready, update the wait time, and approve new customers requesting to join the queue.
- Add a customer to request queue. Request Queue will display new request.
- Modify the wait time and click approve. Queue will show the new customer in line.
- Click Table Ready when table is ready.
- Click X to delete customer from queue when done.
- You can also delete the request if you don't approve.
- Display restaurant info
- Display Queue - with table ready button
- Need to add modification to wait time. Maybe Update from/to parse every 5 minutes or so.
- decide whether to use web to update parse, or have another system to update.
- Add customer to request queue.
- Allows owner to approve with a wait time or delete.
- Restaurant lookup to change restaurant
- We may need to add password protection for each restaurant
- (removed) Add Customer to wait Queue via customer ID.
- (completed as request queue) Need to improve this so that it is a temporary queue and web just needs to approve.
- (removed) Currently is just a proof of concept that adding works. No restaurant is actually going to remember CustomerId...