- React client
- Django Rest Framework server
- User related data
- At least 1 many-many relationship
- At least 1 one-many relationship
- Every resource does not need CRUD but each operation should be present at least once in the app
- Once you have reached MVP: Deployed Site with Heroku
- Issue tickets
- Project board
- Wireframes (use whatever tool you want - moqups, lucid charts, photoshop, adobe XD, Figma, etc.)
- If you have not fleshed out your planning enough, your mentor will not let you code.
- Create a readme that shows another dev how to pull down your code and get it running. The bangazon project readme is a good example of this
- Instant messaging apps
- Video games
- Magic mirror (or other rpi tutorial projects)
- Projects shouldn't be for someone who will pay you
- Projects that are super similar to things we have done in class
- Initial proposal: November 30th requirements found here
- Once the proposal is filled out send it to your mentor for review
- ERD, Wireframes, and Issue tickets: December 3rd
- Once you have all of this finished, schedule a 1-1 with your mentor to get final approval
- MVP/Soft Demo: December 17th
- Demo Day: January 11th
We will have stand up's twice a day, in the morning in-person and after lunch using slack