$ git clone git@github.com:nss-evening-cohort-16/targaryen-quiktrippin.git
$ cd targaryen-quiktrippin
- QuikTrip is one of the best gas stations on the planet and as developers, we've been asked to help the Account Manager and their department. It's becoming a hard task to keep track of the sales from the various regions and they need their district managers to enter their store sales and all employees information and individual sales.
- Users have a console menu interface with the following options to choose from: Enter District Sales, Generate District Report, Add New Employee, Add a Store, or Add a District.
- Users can add multiple districts and create and assign new stores and employees to specific districts.
- Users can view quarterly and yearly gas and retail sales.
public static void DistrictReport(string name)
int storeList = 0;
foreach (Store store in Stores)
if (store.DistrictName == name)
{name} Store #{store.StoreNumber}