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Haptrix Sync

Update your App's Haptics without re-compiling your App.

This package allows you to change your Haptic file and send it to your App directly from the Haptrix App

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
    1. Syncing from Haptrix to your App
    2. Playing a pattern
    3. Debug Release Builds
  5. Advanced Usage
    1. Using a publisher
  6. New Developer?
  7. Credits
  8. License


  • No need to re-build your app to test your latest Haptic
  • Trigger the Haptic from your App, it will play your latest Haptic
  • Faster Development time


  • iOS 13.0+
  • Xcode 11.0


Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a dependency manager integrated with the Swift build system. To learn how to use the Swift Package Manager for your project, please read the official documentation.
To add HaptrixSync as a dependency, you have to add it to the dependencies of your Package.swift file and refer to that dependency in your target.

// swift-tools-version:5.0
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
    name: "<Your Product Name>",
    dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", "main")
    targets: [
    name: "<Your Target Name>",
    dependencies: ["HaptrixSync"]),

Update your Info.plist

You will need to add the following lines to your Info.plist, this tells your app that it can connect to the Haptrix macOS App. The NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription is required key to ask the user for permission to connec to the Haptrix App.

<string>Network usage is required for macOS/iOS communication</string>

Import the framework

Add the following line to your code where you play your pattern

import HaptrixSync


Syncing from Haptrix to your App

Ensure your App and Haptrix macOS App are running & connected.

Make a change to your *.AHAP file in Haptrix macOS and press Run on device - the *.AHAP file is sent to your App, so that the next time you play your Haptic, the very latest Haptic will play.

Question: How does HaptrixSync know what file to update? We use the fileName of the *.AHAP file.

Playing a Pattern

Playing a pattern is simple, the method signature is almost identical to CHHapticEngine playPattern method. Supply the syncUpdates: true and the App will connect to the Haptrix macOS App.

let engine = CHHapticEngine()

engine.playPattern(from: url, syncUpdates: true)

Note: By default, the playPattern method will connect on the first play of any pattern, however, if you wish to prepare you need to call:

let engine = CHHapticEngine()


Debug Release Builds

This package is designed so that it helps you develop your App, to that end, I suggest you don't ship this package in your release builds.

You can try something like:

engine.playPattern(from: url, syncUpdates: true) // HaptrixSync Player
engine.playPattern(from: url) // Standard engine player

A better solution would be to remove the dependency on release builds.

Advanced Usage

Using a publisher

If you want to use a combine publisher to know when your Haptic file has finished playing, I've got you covered.

let engine = CHHapticEngine()

var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()

  .playPatternPublisher(from: url, syncUpdates: true)
  .sink { result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
      os_log("Error: %@", log: .haptics, type: .error, "\(error)")
    case .finished:
      os_log("Finished", log: .haptics, type: .debug)
  } receiveValue: { value in
    os_log("Pattern played: %@", log: .haptics, type: .debug, named)
  .store(in: &cancellables)

New Developer?

If you are a new developer, we have a script you can run to install all dependencies, there may be parts that you do-not wish to install, so pick and choose what you need from the script



HaptrixSync is written and maintained by Chris Davis.
Twitter: @nthState.


HaptrixSync is released under the MIT License.
See LICENSE for details.