ArchLinux-base Docker image with Iidea tool
Bellerophont is a genetic optimization tools, used in approximate computing context. It is developed to use in collaboration with [clang-Chimera] ( Clang-Chimera provide code mutation, and Bellerophon use genetic algorithm to find the pareto-front of possible approximation.
You can find more details about Bellerophon at [ntonjeta/bellerophon] (
Download and build container
git clone
cd iidea-Docker/
docker build -t <name> .
It will take some minutes for download and build neccesary.
Run container and mount volume
docker run -dit -v /path/to/host/folder:/absolute/path/to/container/folder/ <container hash>
Attach to container
docker attach <containerhash>
Now you have an interactive shell in wich you can use "clang-chimnera" and "bellerophon" tool. Furthermore, you can use volume for share file with host machine.
You can test a simple example:
docker run -it ...
The example use bit lenght reduction approximate technique, provided by [FLAP library] (
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