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This is a backend application that powers the core functionality of website. It handles user authentication, data processing, and serves as the API gateway for seamless communication with the frontend.

Table of Contents

  1. Technology Stack
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Database Schema
  5. License

Technology Stack 🛠️

Technology Version Description
Node.js v14.17.4 JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine
Express v4.18.2 Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
Mongoose v7.5.3 Elegant MongoDB object modeling for Node.js
bcrypt v5.1.1 Library for hashing passwords
jsonwebtoken v9.0.2 JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation for Node.js
cors v2.8.5 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing middleware for Express
dotenv v16.3.1 Zero-dependency module to load environment variables from a .env file
nodemon v3.0.1 Utility that monitors for changes in files and automatically restarts the server

Installation 🔽

Follow these steps to set up and run the BackendService locally on your machine.


Make sure you have the following installed:

Clone the Repository

git clone
cd movie-characters-backend

Install Dependencies

npm install

Set Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root of the project and add the following:

SECRET = '<*****>'
MONGO_URL = 'mongodb+srv://ntzolov:<*****>'
PORT = '3030'

Start the Server

npm start

The backend server will be running at http://localhost:3030.

Usage 💡


To use the authentication features of BackendService, you need to obtain an authentication token. Make a POST request to the following endpoints with valid credentials:

  • POST /auth/register

    • Register new user.
  • POST /auth/login

    • Login existing user.
  • GET /auth/logout

    • Logout logged user.


  • GET /characters

    • Get all characters.
  • POST /characters

    • Create a character.
  • PUT /characters/:characterId

    • Edit character by ID.
  • GET /characters/:characterId

    • Get character by ID.
  • DELETE /characters/:characterId

    • Delete character by ID.

Database schema 📃

Users Collection

The users collection stores information about registered users.

Field Type Description
_id ObjectId Unique user identifier
username String User's username
password String Hashed user password
characters Array List of user's characters
isAdmin Boolean Is user have admin role

Resources Collection

The resources collection holds data about various characters.

Field Type Description
_id ObjectId Unique character identifier
name String Character name
imageURL String Link with character image
createdBy String Character's creator
performedBy String Character's performers
firstAppearance String Character's first movie appearance
description String Character's description
famousLine String Character's famous line
likes Number Character's total likes
usersLiked [ObjectId] List of users who liked the character
usersFavorited [ObjectId] List of users who favorited the character
ownerId ObjectId Character's owner ID
createdAt Date Date of creating the character
lastEdit Date Date of character's last edit
_ownerUsername String Character's owner username

License 📝

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Back-end for movie-characters website







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