This is a backend application that powers the core functionality of website. It handles user authentication, data processing, and serves as the API gateway for seamless communication with the frontend.
Technology | Version | Description |
Node.js | v14.17.4 | JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine |
Express | v4.18.2 | Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js |
Mongoose | v7.5.3 | Elegant MongoDB object modeling for Node.js |
bcrypt | v5.1.1 | Library for hashing passwords |
jsonwebtoken | v9.0.2 | JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation for Node.js |
cors | v2.8.5 | Cross-Origin Resource Sharing middleware for Express |
dotenv | v16.3.1 | Zero-dependency module to load environment variables from a .env file |
nodemon | v3.0.1 | Utility that monitors for changes in files and automatically restarts the server |
Follow these steps to set up and run the BackendService locally on your machine.
Make sure you have the following installed:
- Node.js (v14.17.4 or higher)
git clone
cd movie-characters-backend
npm install
Create a .env file in the root of the project and add the following:
SECRET = '<*****>'
MONGO_URL = 'mongodb+srv://ntzolov:<*****>'
PORT = '3030'
npm start
The backend server will be running at http://localhost:3030.
To use the authentication features of BackendService, you need to obtain an authentication token. Make a POST
request to the following endpoints with valid credentials:
- Register new user.
- Login existing user.
- Logout logged user.
- Get all characters.
- Create a character.
- Edit character by ID.
- Get character by ID.
- Delete character by ID.
The users
collection stores information about registered users.
Field | Type | Description |
_id | ObjectId | Unique user identifier |
username | String | User's username |
password | String | Hashed user password |
characters | Array | List of user's characters |
isAdmin | Boolean | Is user have admin role |
The resources
collection holds data about various characters.
Field | Type | Description |
_id | ObjectId | Unique character identifier |
name | String | Character name |
imageURL | String | Link with character image |
createdBy | String | Character's creator |
performedBy | String | Character's performers |
firstAppearance | String | Character's first movie appearance |
description | String | Character's description |
famousLine | String | Character's famous line |
likes | Number | Character's total likes |
usersLiked | [ObjectId] | List of users who liked the character |
usersFavorited | [ObjectId] | List of users who favorited the character |
ownerId | ObjectId | Character's owner ID |
createdAt | Date | Date of creating the character |
lastEdit | Date | Date of character's last edit |
_ownerUsername | String | Character's owner username |
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.