Utilize the Google Cloud App Engine infrastructure to host SvelteKit content.
In your standard SvelteKit project:
npm install --save-dev svelte-adapter-appengine
- add adapter to
+import appengine from "svelte-adapter-appengine";
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
export default {
kit: {
+ adapter: appengine(),
target: "#svelte",
npm run build
.- Application can then be deployed by running
gcloud app deploy --project <CLOUD_PROJECT_ID> build/app.yaml
. (learn more about gcloud utility here)
The SSR part of SvelteKit is hosted on App Engine in a nodejs runtime. It's running using polka mimicking @sveltejs/adapter-node .
Static files are served directly from Cloud Storage without going through the nodejs webserver. Routes for all the static assets are automatically generated in app.yaml
by the adapter.
An examplee app can be accessed on https://svelte-demo-329602.uc.r.appspot.com/, this is the default demo app from sveltekit deployed with the default settings.