Plotly is a versatile plotting package that can be used with Python to create interactive figures to explore your data in real time. In this workshop you will learn how to create a variety of figures with Plotly. We will explore COVID-19 data together, but I encourage you to bring your own data as well. The workshop will be hands-on, running through a Jupyter notebook. Some prior Python knowledge is required.
If you would like work directly on your computer, please make sure that you have Python installed. I recommend installing Python using miniforge. Then you can create and activate a new environment for this workshop by typing the following commands into your (bash) terminal.
conda create -n plotly-env python=3.9 jupyter pandas plotly statsmodels
conda activate plotly-env
If you cannot install Python or Plotly on your computer (or you prefer not to do so), you can use the version on Google colab linked here.
A live version of the final interactive (produced using code in the archive/
directory and containing data up to Nov. 1, 2023) is available here.