This is a map widget made for the Weblocks framework.
Google API v3 (no developer-key required). Pop-up layer for actual
map. Map javascript in external file, connected to relevant field with
Using send-script and having the js-code inside lisp. Deprecated for the following reasons:
- Recurrent load/unload of JS when widgets on page change.
- Cannot be cached by browsers.
- Change in lisp-code immediately reflected in page UI.
Despite terrible embarrassment at the state of this code, I'm going to put it up on github. The idea was to build a demo app, but I'm a bit short on time, so the important parts've all been chucked into misc:
file: geochecker.lisp (contains a claims-geochecker widget)
file: maps.js
file: older-geochecker.lisp (older-geochecker shows a previous, failed approach)
maps.js is loaded as a dependency of the geochecker widget which is called claims-geochecker and is defined in geochecker.lisp
Any field which has a rel="map" attribute will trigger the map when its text changes.
There was a version earlier that would show the map-dialog after clicking a button, but this way is better, imho.
There was also a version that built an accordion to categorize the various place-names that geonames returns (eg Place, Country etc)
I also investigated cl-geonames, but it was more user-friendly to build the UI in JS, and so ended up using the ajax option for the query.
Dialogs, and on-change events etc. are monitored thru YUI, the accordion library used is also based on YUI.
Downloads and the source repository can be found on GitHub:
Once this directory is made (with git, or unzipping) use weblocks-installer to get the current weblocks.
Edit map.widget/script/server to set ports and run sh script/server
Open a browser to localhost:port