Implementation of Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth by chainer
git clone
cd stochastic_depth
git submodule init
git submodule update
python -g 0
All hyperparameters and network architecture are the same as in [1] except for data-augmentation.
Data augmentation
Train: Pictures are randomly resized in the range of [32, 36], then 32x32 patches are extracted randomly and are normalized locally. Horizontal flipping is applied with 0.5 probability.
Test: Pictures are resized to 32x32, then they are normalized locally. Single image test is used to calculate total accuracy. -
Drop probability
As [1] said, P_0 is 1 and P_L is 0.5.
network | depth | total accuracy (%) |
Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth [1] | 110 | 94.75 |
my implementation | 110 | 94.76 |
Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth [1]