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OpenEmbedded/Yocto layer for NVIDIA Holoscan

This layer adds OpenEmbedded recipes and sample build configurations to build BSPs for NVIDIA Holoscan Developer Kits that feature support for discrete GPUs (dGPU), Rivermax, AJA Video Systems I/O boards, and the NVIDIA Holoscan SDK. These BSPs are built on a developer's host machine and are then flashed onto a Holoscan Developer Kit using provided scripts.

This is an add-on layer to the meta-tegra BSP layer with additions to enable the discrete GPU (dGPU) and other hardware drivers and toolkits that are used by the NVIDIA Holoscan SDK.

Supported Boards

  • NVIDIA IGX Orin Developer Kit (igx-orin-devkit)

System Requirements

Building a BSP for NVIDIA Holoscan requires a significant amount of system resources. Available disk space is the only strict requirement that must be met, with a minimum of 300GB of free disk space required for a build using the default configuration as described in this document. It is recommended, however, that the development system have many CPU cores, a fast internet connection, and a large amount of memory and disk bandwidth in order to minimize the amount of time that is required to build the BSP.

For example, on a system with the following specifications:

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-7800X, 6 Cores @ 3.50GHz
  • RAM: 32GB DDR4-2133
  • Disk: Samsung EVO 870 2TB SSD
  • Network: 1 Gigabit Fiber Internet
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04

a complete build using the core-image-holoscan target and the default package configuration (including CUDA, TensorRT, and Holoscan SDK) takes:

  • Build Time: 3 hours and 5 minutes
  • Package Downloads: 22GB
  • Disk Space Used: 265GB

Build Environment Options

There are two options available to set up a build environment and start building Holoscan BSP images using this layer. The first sets up a traditional local build environment in which all dependencies are fetched and installed manually by the developer directly on their host machine. The second uses a Holoscan OpenEmbedded/Yocto Build Container that is provided by NVIDIA which contains all of the dependencies and configuration scripts such that the entire process of building and flashing a BSP can be done with just a few simple commands.

1. Local Build Environment

This section outlines what is needed to use this layer for a local build environment in which all dependencies are manually downloaded and installed on the host machine.


Unless otherwise stated, the following dependencies should all be cloned into the same working directory that this meta-tegra-holoscan repo has been cloned into.

Also note that these dependencies are being actively developed, so compatibility can not be guaranteed when using the latest versions. Each dependency below has a commit ID that has been verified to work with this layer and thus should be used to ensure the build completes. To use these commit IDs, change into the directory that a dependency has been cloned into and then run git checkout {commit id}.

  • Poky: (commit: f7def85b, tag: scarthgap-5.0.2)

    The Poky Build Tool and Metadata for the Yocto Project.

    See the Yocto Project System Requirements for the most up to date list of requirements that are needed for Yocto. Specifically, see the Essentials: Packages needed to build an image on a headless system section for your particular operating system. For Ubuntu and Debian operating systems, this list is currently as follows:

    sudo apt install gawk wget git diffstat unzip texinfo gcc build-essential \
         chrpath socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils \
         debianutils iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa \
         libsdl1.2-dev pylint3 xterm python3-subunit mesa-common-dev zstd \
         liblz4-tool git-lfs python3-typing-extensions python3-yaml
  • Additional Metadata Layers

    The following additional layers are required and must be added to the BBLAYERS list (along with this meta-tegra-holoscan layer itself) in the build/conf/bblayers.conf configuration file that is created by the oe-init-build-env script. Note that the paths in this configuration file must be full paths; see the template file in meta-tegra-holoscan/env/templates/conf/bblayers.conf for an example when these layers are cloned into a /workspace root directory.

    Note that the repo used here for the meta-tegra layer is a fork of the official meta-tegra repo found at Changes from this fork will be upstreamed to the official repo when appropriate, but this fork may otherwise contain Holoscan-specific changes that aren't suitable for the upstream repo.

    Layer Repo Commit
    meta-openembedded/meta-python 18f939a5
    meta-virtualization 6a80f140
    meta-tegra caf164e4
  • Proprietary NVIDIA Binary Packages

    Some of the recipes contained in this layer depend on proprietary NVIDIA binary packages that can only be downloaded from the NVIDIA developer website using an NVIDIA developer account, and so these packages can not be automatically downloaded by the bitbake build process. If these components are to be included in the final BSP image, the binary packages must be manually downloaded and placed into the corresponding recipe directory before building.

    The current list of manually downloaded packages is as follows:

iGPU and dGPU Configurations

This layer provides both iGPU and dGPU support for the Holoscan platforms via the conf/holoscan-igpu.conf and conf/holoscan-dgpu.conf configuration files, respectively.

When using the iGPU configuration, the majority of the runtime components come from the standard Tegra packages used by the meta-tegra layer. When using the dGPU configuration, some of the Tegra packages are overridden with drivers and binary packages defined by this recipe layer that are needed to support the dGPU. See the iGPU and dGPU configuration files above for any component or version differences between the two builds.

Build Configuration

To configure a Holoscan BSP, the MACHINE setting in the build/conf/local.conf configuration file that is initially generated by oe-init-build-env must be changed to one of the boards supported by this layer (see above), and the iGPU or dGPU configuration must be selected by including either conf/holoscan-igpu.conf or conf/holoscan-dgpu.conf, respectively:

MACHINE ??= "igx-orin-devkit"
require conf/holoscan-dgpu.conf

Note: Due to conflicts between the iGPU and dGPU build configurations, it is recommended that the GPU configuration not be changed between builds. If the GPU configuration needs to be changed, a new build tree should be created.

Additional components from this layer can then be added to the BSP by appending them to CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL. For example, to install the AJA NTV2 kernel modules and SDK, add the following:

    ajantv2-driver \
    ajantv2-sdk \

A template configuration file that does the above is provided in env/templates/conf/local.conf and can be used as-is to replace the initial local.conf file that was generated by oe-init-build-env. This template also includes additional documentation about components and features provided by this layer such as enabling an AJA Video I/O device. This additional documentation can be seen by scrolling to the BEGIN NVIDIA CONFIGURATION section at the bottom of the file.

Adding Additional Kernel Modules

The machine configuration for a Holoscan devkit includes the minimal set of kernel modules required to support the onboard components, but it may not include modules to support additional peripherals such as USB cameras or wireless keyboards and mice. If such peripherals will be used, it will be required to add the corresponding kernel modules to the image to support these devices.

If you are unsure what drivers are needed, the generic kernel-modules package can be added to the install list instead to install all of the upstream kernel modules. This will increase build time and image size, so it is suggested to install just the specific kernel modules that are actually needed if possible. Note that the kernel-modules package has been added to the template configuration in env/templates/conf/local.conf to improve the out-of-the-box support for additional peripherals during the initial development phase.

Enabling PREEMPT_RT patch

PREEMPT_RT patch support for the Linux kernel is added by including the conf/rt-patch.conf file in build/conf/local.conf, like the following line:

require conf/rt-patch.conf

The PREEMPT_RT patch is currently only supported with iGPU configuration, enabling the PREEMPT_RT patch with dGPU configuration will lead to build failures.

Enabling Rivermax

Rivermax support is added by including the conf/rivermax.conf file:

require conf/rivermax.conf

Using Rivermax requires a valid license file, and the rivermax-license recipe is responsible for installing the Rivermax license file provided by meta-tegra-holoscan/recipes-connectivity/rivermax/files/rivermax.lic. This file is an empty (invalid) license file by default, and must be replaced with a valid Rivermax license file in order to fully enable Rivermax support. Alternatively, the license file can be copied to the device at runtime by replacing /opt/mellanox/rivermax/rivermax.lic.

Enabling AJA Video Devices

To enable support for AJA Video I/O devices, the AJA NTV2 kernel modules can be built into the image by adding the ajantv2-driver component to CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL as described above:

CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL:append = " ajantv2-driver"
Enabling Kata Container Support

To enable support for Kata Containers, add kata-containers to the list of enabled image features using the following:

EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES:append = " kata-containers"

This will install the Kata Container runtime/shim, prebuilt guest kernel, and prebuilt guest root filesystem as provided by the official Kata Containers release. It will also ensure that any required kernel modules will be included in the image. To replace the default guest kernel and root filesystem, provide replacement components using the kata-containers-guest recipe.

An example of running a Kata container on the target device using the Docker CLI, running uname -r to output the guest OS kernel version, is as follows:

# docker run -it --runtime io.containerd.kata.v2 uname -r

Building and Flashing

This meta-tegra-holoscan layer provides a core-image-holoscan OE image type which defines the Holoscan Deployment Stack Reference Image. This image is a stripped down version of the core-image-sato image with a few Holoscan-specific tweaks, such as a custom application group and desktop icons for the Holoscan SDK examples and Holohub applications.

Building a BSP is done with bitbake; for example, to build a core-image-holoscan image, use the following:

$ bitbake core-image-holoscan

Note: If the bitbake command is not found, ensure that the current shell has been initialized using source poky/oe-init-build-env. This script will add the required paths to the PATH environment variable so that the bitbake command can be run from any directory.

Note: For the list of different image targets that are available to build, see the Yocto Project Images List.

Note: If the build fails due to unavailable resource errors, try the build again. Builds are extremely resource-intensive, and having a number of particularly large tasks running in parallel can exceed even 32GB of system memory usage. Repeating the build can often reschedule the tasks so that they can succeed. If errors are still encountered, try lowering the value of BB_NUMBER_THREADS in build/conf/local.conf to reduce the maximum number of tasks that BitBake should run in parallel at any one time.

Note: Race conditions have been encountered that lead to errors during the do_rootfs stage of the build such as Couldn't find anything to satisfy 'rivermax'. If this occurs, try cleaning the failing package, build the package by itself, then build the image again. For example, if the rivermax package fails to install, try the following:

$ bitbake rivermax -c cleansstate
$ bitbake rivermax
$ bitbake core-image-holoscan

Using the configuration described above, this will build the BSP image and write the output to


The above file can then be extracted and the script that it includes can be used to flash the device while it is in recovery mode and connected to the host via the USB-C debug port:

$ tar -xf ${image_path}
$ sudo ./

Note: If the command fails due to a No such file: 'dtc' error, install the device tree compiler (dtc) using the following:

$ sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler

Note: For instructions on how to put the developer kit into recovery mode, see the developer kit user guide:

Once flashed, the Holoscan Developer Kit can then be disconnected from the host system and booted. A display, keyboard, and mouse should be attached to the developer kit before it is booted. The display connection depends on the GPU configuration that was used for the build: the iGPU configuration uses the onboard Tegra display connection while the dGPU configuration uses one of the connections on the discrete GPU. Please refer to the developer kit user guide for diagrams showing the locations of these display connections. During boot you will see a black screen with only a cursor for a few moments before an X11 terminal or GUI appears (depending on your image type).

Note: If the monitor never receives a signal there may be an issue configuring the monitor during the initial boot process. If this occurs, the xrandr utility can generally be used from a remote shell to display the available monitor modes and to select a current mode. For example, to configure a 1920x1080 display connected to the HDMI-0 output, use the following:

$ export DISPLAY=:0
$ xrandr --output HDMI-0 --mode 1920x1080

Running the Holoscan SDK and HoloHub Applications

When the core-image-holoscan reference image is used, the Holoscan SDK and Holohub apps are built into the image, including some tweaks to make running the samples even easier. Upon boot, the core-image-holoscan image presents a Matchbox UI with icons for a variety of Holoscan SDK and Holohob sample applications, all of which can be run with just a single click.

Note that the first execution of these samples will rebuild the model engine files and it will take a few minutes before the application fully loads. These engine files are then cached and will significantly reduce launch times for successive executions. Check the console windows with the application logs for additional information.

While a handful of graphical Holoscan applications have icons installed on the desktop, many more are console-only and must be launched from a console.

When the holoscan-sdk component is installed, the Holoscan SDK is installed into the image in the /opt/nvidia/holoscan directory, with examples present in the examples subdirectory. Due to relative data paths being used by the apps, these examples should be run from the /opt/nvidia/holoscan directory. To run the C++ version of an example, simply run the executable in the example's cpp subdirectory:

$ cd /opt/nvidia/holoscan
$ ./examples/hello_world/cpp/hello_world

To run the Python version of an example, run the application in the example's python subdirectory using python3:

$ cd /opt/nvidia/holoscan
$ python3 ./examples/hello_world/python/

When the holohub-apps component is installed, the HoloHub sample applications are installed into the image in the /opt/nvidia/holohub directory, with the applications present in the applications subdirectory. Due to relative data paths being used by the apps, these applications should be run from the /opt/nvidia/holohub directory. To run the C++ version of an application, simply run the executable in the applications's cpp subdirectory:

$ cd /opt/nvidia/holohub
$ ./applications/endoscopy_tool_tracking/cpp/endoscopy_tool_tracking

To run the Python version of an application, run the application in the python subdirectory using python3:

$ cd /opt/nvidia/holohub
$ python3 ./applications/endoscopy_tool_tracking/python/

2. Holoscan OpenEmbedded/Yocto Build Container

Instead of downloading and installing all of the build tools, dependencies, and proprietary binaries manually, NVIDIA also provides a Holoscan OpenEmbedded/Yocto Build Container on the NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC) website. This container image includes all of the tools and dependencies that are needed either within the container or as part of a setup script that initializes a local build tree, and it simplifies the process such that building and flashing a Holoscan BSP can be done in just a few simple commands. See env/ for documentation on the Holoscan OpenEmbedded/Yocto Build Container.

Note: the env directory in this repository contains the scripts and Dockerfile that are used to build the Holoscan OpenEmbedded/Yocto Build Container image, and can even be used to build the container image locally if one so desires.

Debugging with GDB

Debugging applications on the target can be done using GDB either directly on the target or remotely using a remote GDB connection. In either scenario, the debugging tools and symbols can be included in the image by adding the following to build/conf/local.conf:

EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES:append = " tools-debug dbg-pkgs"

Note that in both the local and remote debugging cases the GDB Text User Interface (TUI) mode is enabled and can be entered by adding the -tui argument to the gdb commands below, or toggled using the C-x a key binding once GDB has been launched. For more information on debugging with GDB, see the Debugging with GDB and GDB Text User Interface documentation.

Local Debugging

For debugging locally on the device, the source code packages should also be installed by adding the following:

EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES:append = " src-pkgs"

With the debugging tools, symbols, and source code installed on the device, an application can be debugged locally by running gdb [executable], e.g.:

$ cd /workspace
$ gdb ./apps/multiai/cpp/multiai

Remote Debugging

1. Installing the SDK on the Host

Debugging remotely requires the SDK for the image to be built and installed on the host device from which debugging will be performed. To build the SDK package for an image (e.g. core-image-holoscan), run the following:

$ bitbake core-image-holoscan -c populate_sdk

Once built, the script to install the SDK will be present in build/tmp/deploy/sdk. To install the SDK, run the script that corresponds to the image. For example, to install the core-image-holoscan SDK, run the following:

$ ./build/tmp/deploy/sdk/

Follow the prompts to specify the install path for the SDK. The rest of these instructions will assume that the default install path of /opt/poky/4.3.2 is used.

2. Running the Remote Debugging Server on the Target

Launch the application on the target using the gdbserver command along with the target's network address and port that should be used for the remote debugging connection:

$ cd /workspace
$ gdbserver ./apps/multiai/cpp/multiai
Process ./apps/multiai/cpp/multiai created; pid = 1432
Listening on port 1234

3. Connecting to the Remote Debugging Session

The SDK installed on the host includes an environment-setup-armv8a-poky-linux script that must be sourced from any terminal before the SDK can be used:

$ source /opt/poky/4.3.2/environment-setup-armv8a-poky-linux

This environment provides the $GDB environment variable that points to the GDB executable that must be used for the remote debugging. Launch this $GDB executable then connect to the remote target using the target remote [ip]:[port] command:

$ $GDB
GNU gdb (GDB) 11.2
(gdb) target remote
Remote debugging using
Reading /workspace/apps/multiai/cpp/multiai from remote target...
Reading symbols from target:/workspace/apps/multiai/cpp/multiai...
Reading /lib/ from remote target...
0x0000fffff7fd9d00 in _start () from target:/lib/

While the symbols will be loaded remotely from the target, the path to the source code must be remapped to the local host path for the source using the set substitute-path command. Assuming the path of the host build tree is in /holoscan, this can be done with the following:

(gdb) set substitute-path /usr/src/debug /holoscan/build/tmp/work/armv8a_tegra234-poky-linux

At this point the symbols and source code should be available and remote debugging can begin.

Note: This example also assumes that the application being debugged was written to the armv8a_tegra234-poky-linux directory of the build tree. This may need to change if the application was written to another directory (e.g. armv8a-poky-linux).

System Profiling with Nsight Systems

NVIDIA Nsight Systems can be used by installing the CLI on the target device in order to capture a runtime trace of an application, which can then be loaded into the Nsight Systems UI on the host machine to view the trace.

To install the Nsight Systems CLI on the Holoscan device, include the nsight-systems-cli package in the image configuration (local.conf):

EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES:append = " nsight-systems-cli"

To install the Nsight Systems UI on the host machine, follow the CUDA installation guide to setup the host package manager to download from the NVIDIA package repository, then use it to install the corresponding nsight-systems package that matches the version of the CLI that was installed onto the target. For example, to install Nsight Systems 2023.1.2 on an Ubuntu 22.04 system, use the following:

$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.0-1_all.deb
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nsight-systems-2023.1.2

Note: To check which version of the CLI will be installed on the target, use the following bitbake command:

$ bitbake nsight-systems-cli -e | grep ^PV= | cut -d'"' -f2 | cut -d'.' -f1,2,3

For further instructions on how to use Nsight Systems, see the Nsight Systems User Guide.

Enabling Secure Boot

NVIDIA Jetson Linux platforms, including the Holoscan developer kits, provide boot security with an on-die BootROM that authenticates boot codes such as BCT and the bootloader using Public Key Cryptography (PKC) keys stored in write-once-read-multiple hardware fuses. A Secure Boot Key (SBK) can also be used to encrypt bootloader images. Enabling SBK is optional, but doing so requires PKC to be enabled.

The root-of-trust that uses these hardware fuses for authentication ends at the bootloader. After this, the UEFI bootloader uses the UEFI Security Keys scheme to authenticate its payloads.

The mechanisms used to enable secure boot are documented in the Secure Boot section of the Jetson Linux Developer Guide, and additional Yocto/OE-specific documentation is provided by the Secure Boot Support wiki on the OE4T/meta-tegra GitHub page. Once these documents have been read, the following sections provide examples that summarize the steps needed to enable PKC/SBK sigining and UEFI secure boot for an IGX Orin Devkit.

Note: The following sections are provided purely as examples, and should likely not be followed as-is to create, fuse, and enable encryption keys. In most cases OEMs will generate and maintain their own sets of keys that will be used for this purpose.

WARNING: Burning fuses is a one-time operation, so be extremely careful. If something is done incorrectly during this process you could render the devkit completely and permanently unusable.

WARNING: Once the fuses have been burned, be certain to keep the keys in a safe location as they will be needed every time the device is flashed. Losing the keys means that you will not be able to flash the device again.

The following examples use these three environment variables that must be set for the commands to work:

  • BUILD_ROOT: Set to the root of your build tree, i.e. where the meta-tegra-holoscan directory exists

  • KEYS_PATH: Set to the path of a subdirectory in ${BUILD_ROOT} where generated key files should be written.

  • L4T_DIR: Set to the path where a previous successful build with bitbake has setup the L4T native build tools. This path depends on the current L4T version that is being used; for example, for a build using L4T 35.3.1 this path will be ${BUILD_ROOT}/build/tmp/work-shared/L4T-native-36.2.0-r0/Linux_for_Tegra

A) Enabling PKC/SBK Signing

The following example generates PKC and SBK keys and fuses the device, then an image is signed at flash time before being flashed onto the device.

  1. Generate an RSA 3K key pair (pkc.pem) for PKC signing:

    $ openssl genrsa -traditional -out ${KEYS_PATH}/pkc.pem 3072
  2. Generate the Public Key Hash (pkh.txt) from the PKC key:

    $ ${L4T_DIR}/bootloader/tegrakeyhash --chip 0x23 --pkc ${KEYS_PATH}/pkc.pem | grep -A1 tegra-fuse | grep -v tegra-fuse > ${KEYS_PATH}/pkh.txt
  3. Generate a Secure Boot Key (sbk.key):

    $ echo 0x$(openssl rand -hex 32 | fold -w8 | paste -sd' ' | sed 's/ / 0x/g') > ${KEYS_PATH}/sbk.key
  4. Prepare the fuse config file to burn and enable the PKC and SBK fuses:

    $ cat > ${KEYS_PATH}/fuse_config.xml << EOF
    <genericfuse MagicId="0x45535546" version="1.0.0">
        <fuse name="PublicKeyHash" size="64" value="$(cat ${KEYS_PATH}/pkh.txt)"/>
        <fuse name="SecureBootKey" size="32" value="0x$(cat ${KEYS_PATH}/sbk.key | sed 's/0x\| //g')"/>
        <fuse name="BootSecurityInfo" size="4" value="0x209"/>
  5. Burn the fuses. With the device in recovery mode and connected to the host via the USB-C debug port, use the script to burn the fuses.

    Note: It is recommended to run the script with the --test flag added first to make sure that the operation will succeed. Only if no errors occur should the --test flag be removed when run.

    WARNING: Burning fuses is an irreversible process. Do not perform this step until you are certain the fuse configuration (fuse_config.xlm) is correct.

    $ cd ${L4T_DIR}
    $ sudo ./ --test -X ${KEYS_PATH}/fuse_config.xml -i 0x23 igx-orin-devkit
    {Then, if successful...}
    $ sudo ./ -X ${KEYS_PATH}/fuse_config.xml -i 0x23 igx-orin-devkit
  6. Flash the image using the script from a previously built and extracted image as before, but append the -u and -v arguments to provide the paths to the PKC and SBK keys, respectively.

    $ sudo ./ -u ${KEYS_PATH}/pkc.pem -v ${KEYS_PATH}/sbk.key

    Note: If using the script provided by the Holoscan OE Builder container, edit the script to append these arguments to the line near the end of the file.

B) Enabling UEFI Secure Boot

The following example generates the keys and certificates required to enable UEFI secure boot, then builds and signs an image using these keys such that the keys will be enrolled at boot time.

Note: Post-build UEFI signing is not currently supported.

  1. Generate PL, KEK, and DB key pairs and certificates:

    $ mkdir ${KEYS_PATH}/uefi
    $ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout ${KEYS_PATH}/uefi/PK.key -new -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -subj "/CN=Platform Key/" -out ${KEYS_PATH}/uefi/PK.crt
    $ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout ${KEYS_PATH}/uefi/KEK.key -new -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -subj "/CN=Key Exchange Key/" -out ${KEYS_PATH}/uefi/KEK.crt
    $ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout ${KEYS_PATH}/uefi/DB.key -new -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -subj "/CN=Signature Database Key/" -out ${KEYS_PATH}/uefi/DB.crt
  2. Create UEFI keys config file:

    $ cat > ${KEYS_PATH}/uefi/keys.conf << EOF

    Note: The script that uses the above configuration in the next step has been patched by the meta-tegra-holoscan layer to add the UEFI_DB_APPEND_MSFT_UEFI option in order to append the Microsoft UEFI Certificate to the allowed signature database (db) in the generated dts file. This is needed because the Mellanox UEFI firmware has been signed by the Microsoft UEFI key, so this certificate needs to be added to the signature database for the Mellanox firmware drivers to be loaded by UEFI.

    The UEFI_KEK_APPEND_MSFT option can also be enabled in the configuration file to append the Microsoft KEK, to the enrolled key exchange keys list, and the UEFI_DBX_APPEND_UEFI_REVOCATION_LIST option can be enabled to append the latest UEFI Revocation List File to the dbx list.

  3. Generate UefiDefaultSecurityKeys.dts file:

    $ sudo apt install -y efitools
    $ cd ${KEYS_PATH}/uefi
    $ ${L4T_DIR}/tools/ keys.conf
  4. Add the UefiDefaultSecurityKeys.dts file to a tegra-uefi-keys-dtb recipe append file in order to enroll the keys during boot.

    $ cd ${BUILD_ROOT}
    $ mkdir -p meta-tegra-holoscan/recipes-bsp/uefi/tegra-uefi-keys-dtb
    $ cp ${KEYS_PATH}/uefi/UefiDefaultSecurityKeys.dts meta-tegra-holoscan/recipes-bsp/uefi/tegra-uefi-keys-dtb
    $ cat > meta-tegra-holoscan/recipes-bsp/uefi/tegra-uefi-keys-dtb.bbappend << EOF
    FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "\${THISDIR}/tegra-uefi-keys-dtb:"
  5. Update local.conf to add the DB key and certificate to sign UEFI at build time. For example, the following command will append to the local.conf file and the ${KEYS_PATH} variable will be replaced with the absolute path that the variable expands to. If editing the file manually, make sure to provide absolute paths to these files.

    $ cat >> ${BUILD_ROOT}/build/conf/local.conf << EOF
    TEGRA_UEFI_DB_KEY = "${KEYS_PATH}/uefi/DB.key"
    TEGRA_UEFI_DB_CERT = "${KEYS_PATH}/uefi/DB.crt"

    Note: When using the Holoscan OE Builder container, ${BUILD_ROOT} is mounted in the container as /workspace. Therefore, if ${BUILD_ROOT} is /home/user/holoscan and ${KEYS_PATH} is /home/user/holoscan/keys then the paths used in the local.conf file should be:

    TEGRA_UEFI_DB_KEY = "/workspace/keys/uefi/DB.key"
    TEGRA_UEFI_DB_CERT = "/workspace/keys/uefi/DB.crt"
  6. Build and flash the image to the device. To check that UEFI secure boot has been enabled, look for the following output from the console log during boot:

    EFI stub: UEFI Secure Boot is enabled.

    Alternatively, to check the secureboot status at runtime, add the efivar tool to the image via CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL then run the following on the device:

    $ efivar -n 8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c-SecureBoot

    If secureboot is enabled, this will output:

    00000000  01

    If secureboot is not enabled, the 01 value will instead be 00.

    To check the PK, KEK, and db values, the following commands can be used:

    $ efivar -n 8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c-PK
    $ efivar -n 8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c-KEK
    $ efivar -n d719b2cb-3d3a-4596-a3bc-dad00e67656f-db