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Visual Customizations

cseickel edited this page Jul 10, 2022 · 3 revisions

This page is for changes to the look and feel of the plugin. Things like colors, dynamic sizing or positioning, etc.

Hide Cursor in Neo-tree window


    event_handlers = {
        event = "neo_tree_buffer_enter",
        handler = function()
          -- This effectively hides the cursor
          vim.cmd 'highlight! Cursor blend=100'
        event = "neo_tree_buffer_leave",
        handler = function()
          -- Make this whatever your current Cursor highlight group is.
          vim.cmd 'highlight! Cursor guibg=#5f87af blend=0'

Floating Window Settings

Float Right

This is a nice look where the sidebar will float to the right, positioned like a right hand sidebar but floating. One side effect of this layout is that it will automatically close the tree after you open a file.

NeoTreeFloat on right

        filesystem = {
          window = {
            popup = {
              position = { col = "100%", row = "2" },
              size = function(state)
                local root_name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(state.path, ":~")
                local root_len = string.len(root_name) + 4
                return {
                  width = math.max(root_len, 50),
                  height = vim.o.lines - 6

The above configuration uses a function to return the size so the height can be adjusted. It will also dynamically change the width to show the entire root path if it is long.

Colour Scheme

If a colour scheme supports nvim-tree but not neo-tree (e.g gruvbox-material) some of the highlights can be linked with the following:

highlight! link NeoTreeDirectoryIcon NvimTreeFolderIcon
highlight! link NeoTreeDirectoryName NvimTreeFolderName
highlight! link NeoTreeSymbolicLinkTarget NvimTreeSymlink
highlight! link NeoTreeRootName NvimTreeRootFolder
highlight! link NeoTreeDirectoryName NvimTreeOpenedFolderName
highlight! link NeoTreeFileNameOpened NvimTreeOpenedFile
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