nwitch (and slate-irc) plugin for motivating people.
05:34 <KenanY> !m Bob
05:34 <nwitch> You're doing good work, Bob!
As a nwitch plugin (using config.toml
nwitch-motivate = true
Or through nwitch's API:
var Nwitch = require('nwitch');
var motivate = require('nwitch-motivate');
var nwitch = new Nwitch({
irc: {
address: 'irc.freenode.org',
port: 6667
Technically, all nwitch plugins are just slate-irc plugins, so you could also use this as a slate-irc plugin:
var net = require('net');
var irc = require('slate-irc');
var motivate = require('nwitch-motivate');
var stream = net.connect({
port: 6667,
host: 'irc.freenode.org'
var client = irc(stream);
$ npm install nwitch-motivate
var motivate = require('nwitch-motivate');
Returns a function that accepts an instance of slate-irc.