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EJS syntax definition for Sublime Text 3 & 4. Includes EJS tag autocompletion and snippets.


Use Package Control to install EJS 2.

Setting the default syntax

By default, files with the extension .ejs are opened with the EJS (<% %>) syntax.

To open files with a different extension as EJS, or to use delimiters other than <% %>, follow these steps to set the default EJS syntax for a file extension:

  1. Open an EJS file
  2. Select View from the menu bar
  3. Then select: SyntaxOpen all with current extension as...EJS 2EJS (<delimiter>)
  4. Repeat for each extension you want to open as EJS

This package includes syntax definitions for the following additional delimiters: <? ?>, <$ $>, <@ @>.

Color Scheme

EJS 2 comes with the Dracula EJS color scheme, which is a modified/updated version of zertosh’s old dracula theme. You can select it from: PreferencesColor Scheme.

Oceanic Next is also a good color scheme for EJS that works right out of the box.

If you'd prefer to use a different color scheme, you may need to add lines like these to make the highlighting more compatible with EJS.

Preview (with Dracula EJS)


In the HTML scope:

  • if+TAB - Inserts EJS if statement
  • for+TAB - Inserts EJS for loop


Most problems are best addressed by opening an issue.