API that calculate basic statistic.
this API is my own 'media' to discover testing, modularity, and brush up on my programming skills. I am not putting too much attention on the math side.
currently only support calculating mean, mode, median, and standard deviation on one-dimensional data (see spec/features/*
for more info), and not battle-tested (yet).
# install all depedendencies
bundle install
# please edit env file for both test (.env.test) and development (.env.development)
# run test
rspec ./spec/
# run code linter
# see .rubocop.yml to see all excluded rules
bundle exec rubocop
# generate new tags file
bundle exec ripper-tags -R --extra=q .
# run server
bundle exec shotgun config.ru
you can also use docker to run this api
# execute only one time...
# or if you add any new gems, please rebuild the image
docker compose build
# please edit env file for both test (.env.test) and development (.env.development)
# then...
docker compose up # turn the docker on
docker exec -it basic_stat_api <command>
docker compose down # turn the docker off