This is the repository for the ZenHub training lab on Agile Development and Planning
Import/Export Tool
Import and export GitHub issues via CSV (
Prerequisite: Install Node.js.
On a Mac you can use homebrew to do install Node cleanly if you don't already have it:
brew install node
Then run this to install GitHub CSV Tools:
npm install -g github-csv-tools
After install, githubCsvTools --help for info on how to use, or see below.
Instructions for exporting or importing:
This will export all stories to a file called timestamp-issues.csv
githubCsvTools -t <token> -o <org> -r <repo>
githubCsvTools -t $GIT_TOKEN -o $GIT_ORG -r $GIT_REPO
Currently imports title, body, labels, status (closed or open) and milestones.
githubCsvTools new-issues.csv -t $GIT_TOKEN -o rofrano -r lab-agile-zenhub