Very simple alternative to "Apache Nutch": created in Grails
Could be used independently from Apache Solr, so crawled data could be stored to files, saved to database etc. Use "Apache Camel": as integration framework and "Apache ActiveMQ": as source messaging and integraation patterns server.
Before installing, make sure you installed plugin (you may find it in the root of source tree).
cd gnutch
grails war
Then copy created WAR to $YOUR_WEBSERVER_WEBAPPS
file: $GNUTCH_HOME/grails-app/conf/Config.groovy
gnutch {
// Input route definition
inputRoute = 'file:///tmp/gnutch-input'
// text file containing regular expressions to include and exclude URL crawling patterns
regexUrlFilter = 'regex-urlfilter.txt'
crawl {
// Crawling thread pool
threads = 40
transformations = [
http {
// UserAgent string. Better if contain email address of person who is responsible
// for crawling. That will allow source owners to contact person directly
userAgent = ' crawling bot ('
// Maximmum number of connections per host
defaultMaxConnectionsPerHost = 40
// Maximmum number of total connections
maxTotalConnections = 40
solr {
// URL to Solr server (may reside on master server)
serverUrl = 'http://localhost:8983/solr'
activemq {
// URL to message broker (may reside on master server)
brokerURL = 'vm://localhost'
//conf = 'classpath:activemq.xml'