An asychronous http client written by c++, provide a simple and convenient interface.
based on libuv and http_parser.
- Asychronous for all http request
- Cross all platform, linux/win/osx/bsd, benefit from libuv
- Lightweight, less than 2k-lines, http parser alse counted in
Because I couldn't found a simple http client written by c++. libcurl is so complex, and interface is awkward. I just want a simple http client in my cpp project, so I write this.
#include "http.h"
#include <iostream>
void http_cb(zq::http::Request* req, zq::http::Response* resp){
if (req != NULL){
std::cout << "RequestID:" << req->get_id() << std::endl;
std::cout << req->raw() << std::endl;
if (resp->is_success()){
std::cout << resp->raw() << std::endl;
std::cout << "HTTP Request Failed! " << resp->get_last_error() << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// create an event loop for work
zq::loop loop;
zq::http::Client * httpclinet = new zq::http::Client(&loop);
std::string get_url = "";
httpclinet->get(get_url, http_cb);
// do not exit immediately, wait for http callback
while (true){
is an event loop based on libuv, all http request would be processed in it, and it create a new thread for working when call start()
bool loop::start() {
return uv_thread_create(thread_id_, loop::thread_func, this) == 0;
The async http client provide a simple and convenient interface as follow.
bool get(const std::string &url, HTTP_CALLBACK cb = NULL);
bool post(const std::string& url, const std::string& body, HTTP_CALLBACK cb = NULL);
is a function point for callback
typedef void (*HTTP_CALLBACK)(Request*, Response*);
Also, we can create complex request through interface bool start(Request *req)
, for example:
// Request(zq::loop* loop, http_method method, const std::string& url, const std::string& body, HTTP_CALLBACK cb = NULL);
zq::http::Request* req = new zq::http::Request(loop, HTTP_GET, url, body, cb);
req.set_header(key, value);