We are archiving this repository. We have developed a new API and a new app.
A public platform for evaluating politicians and their social media presence using sentiment analysis and language processing.
- only 1000 AYLIEN API requests per day, so only 25 Node API requests per day (not enough)
- Aylien API key is expired
- hide API keys
- show information about scores when score FAB is clicked
- create
with the following contents:
module.exports = {
aylien: 'https://api.aylien.com/api/v1',
aylienKey: '<AYLIEN KEY>',
aylienID: '<AYLIEN ID>',
phone2action: 'https://fmrrixuk32.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/hacktj/legislators',
phone2actionKey: '<PHONE2ACTION KEY>',
- create
with the following contents:
module.exports = {
consumer_key: '<TWITTER CONSUMER KEY>',
consumer_secret: '<TWITTER CONSUMER SECRET>',
access_token_key: '<TWITTER ACCESS TOKEN KEY>',
access_token_secret: '<TWITTER ACCESS TOKEN SECRET>'