Emma Baskerville & Oakleigh Weekes
Brain Tumor Image Segmentation Benchmark
BraTS 2018 is a dataset which provides multimodal 3D brain MRIs and ground truth brain tumor segmentations annotated by physicians, consisting of 4 MRI modalities per case (T1, T1c, T2, and FLAIR). (Bjoern H. Menze et al)
Within each modality, or “channel”, the structure becomes an array of size [:,:,:] (Sagittal:Coronal: Axial) . The channel refers to the receiver pathway of the MRI system. They show as different contrasts. These can be accessed using the NiBabel Python toolset.
A pretext task is a self-supervised learning task solved to learn visual representations, with the goal of using the learned representations or model weights obtained in the process for a downstream task. E.g. A classification model’s weights used for training a “Segmentation” model. We trained 4 models*, 2 classification and 2 regression;
- MRI Brain Direction Classification
- MRI Brain Rotation Classification
- MRI Brain slice index Regression
- MRI Brain image Context Regression
*These Convolution (CNN) Models were created using TensorFlow and Keras’ Libraries.
- The first model learned a simple classification problem. A model was trained using Sagittal, Coronal and Axial Images, and to classify those out-of-sample.
- Using Keras’ Image Data Generator, training images were organised according to directory saved, with some variation created by train_datagen.
- The second model learned the angle of the brain image was visualized in.
- Pre-processing involved manually rotating images and saving into directories.
- The third model was a regression model. It would learn the index of a brain slice.
- 3 versions of this model were created, to separately learn Axial, Sagittal and Coronal array indexes.
- Different indexes exist for different “Slice Types”, but within these they are similar per brain example. For instance the brain is present in Sagittal Slice Layers ~51-186.
- A .csv method was used for data input as opposed to the previously used Data Generator technique for Classification.
- Loss was a more “Accurate” depiction of learning here. RMSE was reduced to 35.92.
- We wanted to create an unpuzzling model, which would essentially rectify an image of the brain in jumbled pieces. We were not able to do so with our experience in a limited timeframe.
- However, we realised we could use some of this code we created to form a context-learning model. Such as NumPy image splitting.
- After splitting the images into 9 different equal segments (after “Squaring” the slice images), the algorithm was trained on this data.
- We made this a regression problem, however it can be argued that this problem is more suitable for classification methods as there are only 9 potential classes, and no ‘particular’ linear relationship between the segments.
- However, the model learned well with high accuracy, and an unconventional confusion matrix could still be created.
- Classification may be a better option if this model’s weights were to be brought into a segmentation model, for better context awareness unrelated to index.
- This model was created using the .csv method, and again one for each “Slice Direction”.
Models were successfully trained using the BRATS dataset, with good accuracy metrics and perform well on out-of-sample test data.
These model’s weights can be saved and brought into a downstream task such as brain tumour segmentation, possibly using U-Net.
- Open a notebook from here in Google Colab.
- Download BRATS dataset https://www.kaggle.com/sanglequang/brats2018.
- Unzip Dataset into your Google drive e.g. using Zip Extractor https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zip-extractor/mmfcakoljjhncfphlflcedhgogfhpbcd .
- Mount your google drive in the first notebook code block, and format paths accordingly.
- BRATS: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6975210
- NiBabel: https://nipy.org/nibabel/
- U-Net: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.04597.pdf
- Self-Supervised Learning Based on Spatial Awareness for Medical Image Analysis: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=9186121