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Spark* shuffle plugin for support shuffling data through a remote Hadoop-compatible file system, as opposed to vanilla Spark's local-disks.


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Remote Shuffle Plugins

Online Documentation

You can find the all the Remote Shuffle documents on the project web page.


Remote Shuffle is a Spark* ShuffleManager plugin, shuffling data through a remote datastore, as opposed to vanilla Spark's local-disks.

This is an essential part of enabling Spark on disaggregated compute and storage architecture.

There are two shuffle plugins in this project.

  • shuffle-hadoop, A remote shuffle plugin based Hadoop filesystem. This plugin can work with any remote filesystems compatible with Hadoop, like HDFS, AWS S3 and DAOS.
  • shuffle-daos Different from the above general plugin based on Hadoop Filesystem interface, this plugin bases on DAOS Object API. Thanks to DAOS Distribution Key and Attribute Key, we can improve performance by constructing shuffle output like below.

Developer Guide

Build and Deploy

We have provided a Conda package which will automatically install dependencies needed by OAP, you can refer to OAP-Installation-Guide for more information. If you have finished OAP-Installation-Guide, you can find compiled remote shuffle jars under $HOME/miniconda2/envs/oapenv/oap_jars. Then just skip this section and jump to User Guide.

Build using the following command in remote-shuffle folder. This file needs to be deployed on every compute node that runs Spark. Manually place it on all nodes or let resource manager do the work.

    mvn -DskipTests clean package 

User Guide (shuffle-hadoop)

Enable Remote Shuffle

Add the .jar files to the classpath of Spark driver and executors: Put the following configurations in spark-defaults.conf or Spark submit command line arguments.

Note: For DAOS users, DAOS Hadoop/Java API jars should also be included in the classpath as we leverage DAOS Hadoop filesystem.

    spark.executor.extraClassPath          $HOME/miniconda2/envs/oapenv/oap_jars/shuffle-hadoop-<version>.jar
    spark.driver.extraClassPath            $HOME/miniconda2/envs/oapenv/oap_jars/shuffle-hadoop-<version>.jar

Enable the remote shuffle manager and specify the Hadoop storage system URI holding shuffle data.

    spark.shuffle.manager                      org.apache.spark.shuffle.remote.RemoteShuffleManager
    spark.shuffle.remote.storageMasterUri      daos://default:1 # Or hdfs://namenode:port, file:///my/shuffle/dir


Configurations and tuning parameters that change the behavior of remote shuffle. Most of them should work well under default values.

Shuffle Root Directory

This is to configure the root directory holding remote shuffle files. For each Spark application, a directory named after application ID is created under this root directory.

    spark.shuffle.remote.filesRootDirectory     /shuffle

Index Cache Size

This is to configure the cache size for shuffle index files per executor. Shuffle data includes data files and index files. An index file is small but will be read many (the number of reducers) times. On a large scale, constantly reading these small index files from Hadoop Filesystem implementation(i.e. HDFS) is going to cause much overhead and latency. In addition, the shuffle files’ transfer completely relies on the network between compute nodes and storage nodes. But the network inside compute nodes are not fully utilized. The index cache can eliminate the overhead of reading index files from storage cluster multiple times. By enabling index file cache, a reduce task fetches them from the remote executors who write them instead of reading from storage. If the remote executor doesn’t have a desired index file in its cache, it will read the file from storage and cache it locally. The feature can also be disabled by setting the value to zero.

    spark.shuffle.remote.index.cache.size        30m

Number of Threads Reading Data Files

This is one of the parameters influencing shuffle read performance. It is to determine number of threads per executor reading shuffle data files from storage.

    spark.shuffle.remote.numReadThreads           5

Number of Threads Transitioning Index Files (when index cache is enabled)

This is one of the parameters influencing shuffle read performance. It is to determine the number of client and server threads that transmit index information from another executor’s cache. It is only valid when the index cache feature is enabled.

    spark.shuffle.remote.numIndexReadThreads      3

Bypass-merge-sort Threshold

This threshold is used to decide using bypass-merge(hash-based) shuffle or not. By default we disable(by setting it to -1) hash-based shuffle writer in remote shuffle, because when memory is relatively sufficient, sort-based shuffle writer is often more efficient than the hash-based one. Hash-based shuffle writer entails a merging process, performing 3x I/Os than total shuffle size: 1 time for read I/Os and 2 times for write I/Os, this can be an even larger overhead under remote shuffle: the 3x shuffle size is gone through network, arriving at a remote storage system.

    spark.shuffle.remote.bypassMergeThreshold     -1

Configurations fetching port for HDFS

When the backend storage is HDFS, we contact http://$host:$port/conf to fetch configurations. They were not locally loaded because we assume absence of local storage.

    spark.shuffle.remote.hdfs.storageMasterUIPort  50070

Inherited Spark Shuffle Configurations

These configurations are inherited from upstream Spark, they are still supported in remote shuffle. More explanations can be found in Spark core docs and Spark SQL docs.


Deprecated Spark Shuffle Configurations

These configurations are deprecated and will not take effect.

    spark.shuffle.sort.bypassMergeThreshold        # Replaced by spark.shuffle.remote.bypassMergeThreshold 
    spark.maxRemoteBlockSizeFetchToMem             # As we assume no local disks on compute nodes, shuffle blocks are all fetched to memory

    spark.shuffle.service.enabled                  # All following configurations are related to External Shuffle Service. ESS & remote shuffle cannot be enabled at the same time, as this remote shuffle facility takes over almost all functionalities of ESS.

Performance Evaluation Tool

Leverage this tool to evaluate shuffle write/read performance separately under your specific storage system. This tool starts one Java process with #poolSize number of threads, running the specified remote-shuffle writers/readers in this module. Additional Spark configurations can be put in "./spark-defaults.conf" and will be loaded.(and printed as part of the summary for recording)

Configuration details:

  • -h or --help: display help messages
  • -m or --mappers: the number of mappers, default to 5
  • -r or --reducers: the number of reducers, default to 5
  • -p or --poolSize: the number task threads in write/read thread pool, similar to spark.executor.cores. e.g. if mappers=15, poolSize=5, it takes 3 rounds to finish this job
  • -n or --rows: the number of rows per mapper, default to 1000
  • -b or --shuffleBlockRawSize: the size of each shuffle block, default to 20000 Bytes
  • -w or --writer: the type of shuffle writers for benchmark, can be one of general, unsafe and bypassmergesort, default to unsafe
  • -onlyWrite or --onlyWrite: containing this flag then the benchmark only includes shuffle write stage, default behavior is perform both write & read
  • -uri or --storageMasterUri: Hadoop-compatible storage Master URI, default to file://
  • -d or --dir: Shuffle directory, default /tmp
  • -l or --log: Log level, default to WARN

Sample command:

java -cp target/remote-shuffle-0.1-SNAPSHOT-test-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.apache.spark.shuffle.remote.PerformanceEvaluationTool -h

Sample output

unsafe shuffle writer:
    raw total size:      123 GB
    compressed size:     135 GB
    duration:            88.3 seconds

    throughput(raw):     1429.06843144412 MB/s
    throughput(storage): 1570.9931870053674 MB/s

    number of mappers:   210
    number of reducers:  70
    block size(raw):     8 MB
    block size(storage): 9 MB

    properties:          spark.reducer.maxSizeInFlight -> 100m, spark.shuffle.remote.numReadThreads -> 8, spark.shuffle.remote.reducer.maxBlocksInFlightPerAddress -> 3

    records per mapper:  70
    load size per record:9000000

    shuffle storage      daos://default:1
    shuffle folder:      /tmp/shuffle
shuffle reader:
    raw total size:      123 GB
    compressed size:     135 GB
    duration:            49.8 seconds

    throughput(raw):     2533.665772753123 MB/s
    throughput(storage): 2785.2911586057153 MB/s

    number of mappers:   210
    number of reducers:  70
    block size(raw):     8 MB
    block size(storage): 9 MB

    properties:          spark.reducer.maxSizeInFlight -> 100m, spark.shuffle.remote.numReadThreads -> 8, spark.shuffle.remote.reducer.maxBlocksInFlightPerAddress -> 3

    records per mapper:  70
    load size per record:9000000

    shuffle storage      daos://default:1
    shuffle folder:      /tmp/shuffle                                                      

User Guide (shuffle-daos)

Most of User Guide (shuffle-hadoop) can be applied to shuffle-daos. We'll not repeat them here. Just show differences here.

Shuffle Manager

    spark.shuffle.manager                      org.apache.spark.shuffle.daos.DaosShuffleManager
    spark.shuffle.daos.pool.uuid               <POOL UUID>
    spark.shuffle.daos.container.uuid          <CONTAINER UUID> 


    spark.executor.extraClassPath          $HOME/miniconda2/envs/oapenv/oap_jars/daos-java-<version>.jar
    spark.driver.extraClassPath            $HOME/miniconda2/envs/oapenv/oap_jars/daos-java-<version>.jar


There are some configurations for tuning shuffle IO. You can find all of them from package, "org.apache.spark.shuffle.daos". Here are some of them.         true

This shuffle plugin supports both sync IO and async IO. The default is async IO. You can change it by setting this value to "false". Most of other config items are valid for both sync IO and async IO. For sync or async only config items, you can find them from either its doc or name itself.	true

All shuffled data is written to DAOS container. They should be deleted after job is done to save space. If you want to review the shuffled data after job, you can set it to "false".	5000	5000

They are maximum milliseconds to wait before throwing TimedOutException.

    spark.shuffle.daos.write.buffer	800m

Total in-memory buffer size of each map task. You can tune it for you environment.


Spark* shuffle plugin for support shuffling data through a remote Hadoop-compatible file system, as opposed to vanilla Spark's local-disks.



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