wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obi12341/docker-pdns/master/docker-compose.yml && docker-compose up -d
Just use this command to start the container. PowerDNS will listen on port 53/tcp, 53/udp and 8080/tcp.
docker run --name pdns-master --link mysql:db -d -p 53:53/udp -p 53:53 -p 8080:80 secns/pdns:4.0
admin / admin
These options can be set:
- PDNS_ALLOW_AXFR_IPS: restrict zonetransfers to originate from these IP addresses. Enter your slave IPs here. (Default: "", Possible Values: "IPs comma seperated")
- PDNS_MASTER: act as master (Default: "yes", Possible Values: "yes, no")
- PDNS_SLAVE: act as slave (Default: "no", Possible Values: "yes, no")
- PDNS_CACHE_TTL: Seconds to store packets in the PacketCache (Default: "20", Possible Values: "")
- PDNS_DISTRIBUTOR_THREADS: Default number of Distributor (backend) threads to start (Default: "3", Possible Values: "")
- PDNS_RECURSIVE_CACHE_TTL: Seconds to store packets in the PacketCache (Default: "10", Possible Values: "")
- PDNS_RECURSOR: If recursion is desired, IP address of a recursing nameserver (Default: "no", Possible Values: "yes, no")
- PDNS_ALLOW_RECURSION: List of subnets that are allowed to recurse (Default: "", Possible Values: "")
- POWERADMIN_HOSTMASTER: default hostmaster (Default: "", Possible Values: "")
- POWERADMIN_NS1: default Nameserver 1 (Default: "", Possible Values: "")
- POWERADMIN_NS2: default Nameserver 2 (Default: "", Possible Values: "")